
Wife sms messages

Looking for Latest Wife sms messages? We have great collection of Wife sms text messages. Enjoy our interactive collection of Wife sms in any particular choice. We are always adding New Wife sms to our collection. You can get a large group of Wife sms. Below are some favorite Wife sms messages. You also short by Wife sms messages, Cute Wife sms, Short Wife sms, Funny Wife sms messages, Sweet Wife sms and Sad Wife sms text messages. Just like and send favorite sms to your relative.

A man in Hell asked Devil:
Can I make a call to my Wife?
After making call he asked how much to pay.
Devil: Nothing, Hell to hell is Free.

Wife: yesterday-night I saw a dream
That u were sending me
Jewelry and clothes!
Husband: yeah, I saw
Your dad paying the bill!!!

Wife: What is 10 years with me?
Husband: A second.
Wife: What is $1000 for me?
Husband: A coin.
Wife: Ok give me a coin.
Husband: Wait a second

Husbands will never succeed
In making that dog obey u!
Wife: Nonsense it’s only a matter of patience,
I had a lot of trouble with u at first.

What is the Difference Between Mother & Wife?
A – One Woman Brings U into this world crying…
& The other ensures U Continue to do so.

Husband asks: Do you know the meaning of WIFE? It means…
Without Information, Fighting every time!
WIFE says: No darling, it means: -
With Idiot For Ever

Wife: I wish I were a newspaper
So I would be in your hands all day.
Husband: I too wish that u were
Newspapers so I could have
A new one everyday!

Wife: You always carry my photo in your handbag to the office. Why?
Darling: When there is a problem, no matter how impossible,
I look at your picture and the problem disappears.
Wife: You see, how miraculous and powerful I am for you?
Darling: Yes, I see your picture and say to myself,
“What other problem can there be greater than this one?

Wife: honey, what r u looking 4?
Husband: nothing
Wife: why have u been reading our marriage certificate 4 an hour?
Husband: I was just looking 4 the expiry date

Wife: Do you want dinner?
Husband: Sure, what are my choices?
Wife: Yes and no.

Husband: Today is Sunday &
I have to enjoy it.
So I bought 3 movie tickets.
Wife: Why three?
Husband: 1 For U and 2 for your parents.

Wife: What is so interesting in me?
Husband: I don’t know the meaning of interesting!!!

Husband & wife are like liver and kidney.
Husband is liver & wife is kidney.
If liver fails, kidney fails.
If kidney fails, liver manages with other kidney.

Doctor: Madam, your husband needs rest
And Pease so here are some sleeping pills.
Wife: Doc, when should I give them to him?
Doctor: They are for you!

HUSBAND and WIFE are like 2 tires of a vehicle
If 1 punctures, the vehicle can’t move further
M0ral: always keep a SPARE TYRE….


Wife Running After A Garbage Truck:
Am I Too Late For The Garbage?
Hubby Following Her Yelled: Not Yet.

A recently fired
Stock trader said …
“This is worse than divorce…
I have lost everything
And I still have my wife…”

Message of the year:-
Women live a better, longer & peaceful life!
Why? Very simple…
A woman does not have a wife!

Husband to a newly wed wife!
I could go to the end of the world for you
Wife: Thanks, but promise me
You will stay there for the rest of your life.

Judge: why did u shoot ur wife
Instead of shooting her lover
Sardar: Your honor,
It’s easier to shoot a woman once,
Than shooting one man every week

My wife and I
Were happy for 20 years.
Than we met

Interviewer to Millionaire: To whom do you owe your success as a millionaire?”
Millionaire: “I owe everything to my wife.”
Interviewer: “Wow, she must be some woman.
Interviewer: “What were you before you married her?”
Millionaire: “A Billionaire

Valentine Day sms messages

Looking for Latest Valentine Day sms messages? We have great collection of Valentine Day sms text messages. Enjoy our interactive collection of Valentine Day sms in any particular choice. We are always adding New Valentine Day sms to our collection. You can get a large group of Valentine Day sms. Below are some favorite Valentine Day sms messages. You also short by Valentine Day sms messages, Cute Valentine Day sms, Short Valentine Day sms, Funny Valentine Day sms messages, Sweet Valentine Day sms and Sad Valentine Day sms text messages. Just like and send favorite sms to your relative.

Don't wait until it's too late to tell someone
How much you love, how much you care.
Because when they're gone, no matter how
Loud you shout and cry, they won't hear you anymore.

I was asked about Newton's law and I said I don't know.
I was questioned on the current President of USA and
I wasn't sure if it is Clinton or Bush. But when
I was asked on who I love, the only answer I can think of, is you.

No poems no fancy words
I just want the world to know
That I LOVE YOU my Princess with all my heart.
Happy Valentines Day

Fond thoughts are coming your way;
We’ve always had a special connection,
So Happy Valentine’s Day!

I love you more today than I did yesterday,
But not as much as I will tomorrow
Happy Valentine’s Day!

I searched through books & leafed through cards,
For words that would convey, what I had in my heart,
But when I sat down to write, all I can write was….
I Love You!
Happy Valentine’s Day!

Tears can sometimes be more special than smiles…
For smiles can be given to any one…
But tears are only shed for people we love!
Happy Valentine’s Day!

If a perfumed rose touches your face,
If your mobile dances on a nice tone,
Remember it is I trying to say you
‘Happy valentines day’

Even though
We don’t get to be with each other
As much as we’d like…
I wanted to let you know
In the morning… in the night…
U are on my mind… 24 x 7
Happy Valentine Day!

Love is the greatest feeling; Love is like a play,
Love is what I feel for you, Each and every day,
Love is like a smile; Love is like a song,
Love is a great emotion, that keeps us going strong,
I love you with my heart, my body and my soul,
I love the way I love, like a love I can‘t control,
So remember when your eyes meet mine, I love you with all my heart,
And I have poured my entire soul into you, Right from the very start.
Happy valentine day

I would never be tired of you even if I am with you all
Daylong. In fact I grow to like you a little more every day. I love you.

Why do we close our eyes went we sleep - went we dream,
Went we kiss? This is because the most precious thing in the world is unseen.
When I close my eyes I see you!

Sometimes the world gives me so many reasons to hate
It but whenever it happens I just stop & think of u n say:
How can I hate this world when u r a part of it

Love is a medicine for any kind of wound, but there is no medicine
Found in the world for a wound given by love.

A candle may melt and its fire may die, but the love you
Have given me will always stay as a flame in my heart.

Oh Valentine, Valentine
Please be mine
These words, oh so sweet
I cannot define
Oh Valentine, Valentine
Please be mine
Could these words be so true?
That I really do love you?
Oh Valentine, Valentine
Please be mine
These words are so sweet
They taste better than any treat
Oh Valentine, Valentine
Please be mine
I love you so much from the bottom
Of my heart
That no one or nothing
Can ever tear us apart

On Valentine's Day, I'm thinking about
The special ways you have made my life better.
The little things, the not-so-little things...
Your kindness, the way you always listen
And pay attention to me. You make my world
Brighter and richer; you're a gift to me,
And I thank you for being you

There is only one thing I wish to say
There is only one day left for Valentine day
Let all the lovers of the world unite
Let there be peace and love in everyone's sight
Let the kisses flow smoothly like a stream
Let everyone meet the men and women of their dreams
Let everyone get a lovers valentine card
Even sending one yourself is not very hard
This day of love when you cannot say no
Telling your sweetheart that you love them so
Say it with flowers and say it with all your love
Say it with chocolates or with two white doves
Just show all your love on Valentine Day

May you find that special someone?
On this Valentine's Day
For I send my heart and love to you
From very far away
Let light shine upon you
On your beautiful face
And let a smile show
That no one can erase
You are my Special Valentine
And to the world it will be known
Regardless of your outcome
Today you will not be alone
Smile little or smile big
Just as long as you are mine
So don't show me a frown
Because I am your Valentine
Happy Valentine's Day

Valentine day is not too far away
Everyone is waiting for his or her cards presents and chocolates galore
Lovers waiting for their valentine cards to come through the door
Chocolates perfumes and colorful flowers
Lovers waiting and pining for many precious hours
Valentine romantic candle light dinners
To get to your lovers heart they are the winners
A table for two just me and you
A quick drink and kisses that's all to come
Valentine day is here and tomorrow it's gone!!!
This special day is so welcoming and dear
This special day comes only once a year
Many get married on Valentine day
Many elope and hide away
Whatever you do on Valentine day
Please don't get emotionally carried away
For lovers their will only be him and only be you
Look into each other’s eyes and say I love you
Happy Valentine Day to everyone

Wondering what my Valentine lover
Will give me on Valentine's Day
Will it be a trip abroad?
Will it be money for me to hoard?
Will it be a diamond ring?
Will it be two lovebirds to happily sing?
Will it be a brand new car?
Will he reach up for the bewitching stars?
No my Valentine lover
Had cupid's dart
He aimed the dart
Towards my heart
My Valentine lover gave me his heart
In return I gave him mine
To keep with him
Till the end of time
Yes; my Valentine lover gave me his heart!

You are my valentine,
Which is why I have a smile.
Because you are mine,
I would go that extra mile.
For you is my valentine,
I will always love you with all my heart.
Because you just shine,
Except for when we have to part.
My valentine,
I think you will like your gift.
Because you are Divine,
And asked for it.
For you is my valentine,
And you will always be.
I take that as a sign,
Because I have given you a key
My valentine,
That key is to my heart.
And I wouldn't have given it to you,
If you weren't my valentine

My valentine,
Why would I bring you chocolate when you are the treat?
My valentine,
Why would I bring you flowers when your smell is what's sweet.
My valentine,
Why would I buy you a card when the words can be heard through me?
My valentine,
Why would I take you out some place when all I need is to see your face?
My valentine,
Why would I celebrate this on one special day?
When I can do it always.

Valentine's mean to spend time with the one u love
Mean that kisses, hugest, smiles and candy
Today is the day u and I will be together with love on
My love is true never blue all about u.
Roses could be red violet's maybe blue
But my Roses R. True 2 u on

On Valentine's Day, the day of affection,
My thoughts naturally turn in your direction.
I think of many things, big and small
That you've given to me and given your all
You see me always in the kindest light;
You're a glow in my life, golden and bright.
I'm thankful for the happy ties that bind
Me to you in our family, and I'd like to remind
You of all the special memories I treasure.
Having you in my life is nothing but pleasure!
You're a walking example of how to live,
How to share, how to teach, how to love, how to give
Please accept this Valentine poem,
Warm from the heart of your Love.

Fond thoughts are coming your way;
We've always had a special connection,
So Happy Valentine's Day!

I love you more today than I did yesterday,
But not as much as I will tomorrow
Happy Valentine's Day!

Tears can sometimes be more special than smiles...
For smiles can be given to any one...
But tears are only shed for people we love!
Happy Valentine's Day!

Love is not how long we’ve been together,
Not how much we’ve given or receive,
Not how many times we’ve helped each other,
It's how u values each other!
Happy Valentine's Day!

I'm enthralled by your beauty, mesmerized by your
Charisma and spellbound by your love No wonder
I am always thinking about you. I wish to celebrate every
Valentine with you Happy Valentine's Day

Love isn't a decision; it's a feeling,
If we could decide whom to love, then,
Life would be much simpler, but then less magical.

24hrs make a lovely day,
7 days make a lovely week,
52 weeks make a lovely year & knowing a
Person like me will make your life lovely.
Have a lovely day n life! **

When things go wrong...
When sadness fills your heart...
When tears flow in your eyes...
Always remember 3 things
1) I'm with u...
2) Still with u...
3) Will ALWAYS b...

Love means to see someone with closed eyes,
To miss some1 in crowd,
2 find some1 in every thought,
To live 4 some1, love some1, but sure that sum1 is ONLY one!

If you’re asking if I Need U the answer is 4Ever
If you’re asking if I'll Leave U the answer is Never
If your asking what I value the Answer is U
If your asking if I love U the answer is I do.

I dream about you every night
I shiver when you’re in sight
I long to hold you close n tight
I want to be there with all my might
I m just hoping I'm the girl whose right

When I look at you,
I cannot deny there is God,
Cause only God could have created some one
As wonderful n beautiful as you

If I reached for your hand, will u hold it?
If I hold out my arms, will u hug me?
If I go for your lips, will u kiss me?
If I capture your heart, will u love me??

Smile in Pleasure
Smile in Pain
Smile when trouble pours like Rain
Smile when sum1 Hurts U
Smile because SOMEONE still
Loves to see u Smiling!!

No shadows 2 depress u
Only joys 2-surround u
Many friends 2 love u
God himself 2 bless u
These r my wishes 4 u,
For today, tomorrow & everyday

Don't go for looks,
They can deceive
Don't go for wealth
Even that fades away.
Go for sum1 who makes u
Smile because only a smile makes
A dark day seems bright.

As days go by, my feelings get stronger,
To be in your arms, I can't wait any longer.
Look into my eyes & we’ll see that it's true,
Day & Night my thought r of U

All I wanted was sum1 2 care 4 me
All I wanted was sum1 who'd b there 4 me
All I ever wanted was sum1 who'd b true
All I ever wanted was sum1 like U...

Love is like a CD track
That links our hearts together
Don’t ever break that CD coz
That would break my heart too.........

Message: some text missing*
Sender: Name Missing*
*Number Missing
*Sent: Date missing
*Missing U a lot that’s y
Everything is missing....

I m on a mission:
Mission 2 avoid u,
2 forget, 2 get rid of u,
2 not 2 talk 2u or meet u,

D smallest word is I,
The sweetest word is LOVE
And the dearest person
In the world is U.
Tats y I Love You.

U may miss me
U may ignore me
U may even forget me
But one day if u want to c me
Don’t search, just c your shadow
I will be three...Trust Me!!

I'll stand here 4ever,
If 4ever's what it takes,
Because u r my 4ever,
And 4ever always waits...

My past says u met me
My future says u will care 4 us
My present says u will understand me
But my heart says u will
Always Remember ME!

Red or white
Short or tall
Wrapped in silver
Not wrapped at all
Under covers
Inside a box
Shapes & sizes
Love comes in lots.

Your precious love has
Turned my life completely around,
I feel like I’m walking but
My feet don’t seem 2-touch d ground!

Your d angel who I cherish so dearly
In ties heart of mine,
D 1 who makes my day brighter,
By making my whole world shine.

Live 4 d person ho dies 4u,
Smile 4 d person ho cries 4u,
Fight 4 d person ho protects u,
N love d person ho loves u more than u!

It’s not your mistake if u cant read d eyes which cheats u.
But it’s really your mistake if u cant read d eyes which loves u.

You are the twinkle of my eyes;
The smile on my lips;
The joy of my face;
Without you I am incomplete.

I ask God for a rose n he gave me flowers;
I ask God for water n he gave me an ocean;
I ask God for an angel n he gave me the best love ever!

Every time I miss you, a star falls.
So if you ever look up at the sky and the stars are gone,
Because you made me miss you too much!

3 - 2 = one heart praying 4 you
1 + 1= two eyes looking for you
3+2= five senses missing you.
4+3= seven days in a week i desire you.
7+5= 12months asking god to bless you

Have fun.... Most of them i used them and they worked hehe

To be honest with you, I don't have the words to make you feel better,
But I do have the arms to give you a hug, ears to listen to
Whatever you want to talk about, and I have a heart;
A heart that's aching to see you smile again

Let the world stop turning,
Let the sun stop burning,
Let them tell me loves not worth going through.
If it all falls apart,
I will know deep in my heart,
The only dream that mattered had come true
In this life you loved me.

If I never met you, I wouldn't like you. If I didn't like you,
I wouldn't love you. If I didn't love you,
I wouldn't miss you. But I did, I do, and I will.

Let’s share the world.
A sea is for you, and waves are for me.
The sky is for you, and stars are for me.
The sun is for you, and light is for me.
Everything is for you, and you are for me.

I miss the laughs I used to get from you,
I miss the talks we used to have. And above all, I just miss YOU!

If you wake up 1 day and were asked to have a wish,
What would it be? Mine would be that our love would
Last until you see an apple in an orange tree =)

"I'm enthralled by your beauty, mesmerized by your
Charisma and spellbound by your love
No wonder I am always thinking about you."

Sending you my bed to let you rest, pillows to give you
Comfort and my blanket to keep you warm; I can't sleep
Now coz' I've lent you all my things already. Good night! I love you.

I finally got my past, present and future tenses correct today.
I loved you. I love you. I will love you forever! :).

Set a place for me in your heart and not in your mind for the
Mind easily forgets but the heart always remembers. I love you.

The only regret I have is not knowing you since the day I was born - so that
I will be able to spend my ENTIRE life with you.

You know I wish I could be with you everyday for 8 days a
Week and 25 hrs a day; I never seem to get enough of you.

I would cross a thousand oceans just to hold you tight.
I would climb a thousand mountains just to be with you
Every single night; Darling I miss you so much.

I have liked many but loved very few.
Yet no one has been as sweet as u.
I'd stand and wait in the world’s longest queue.
Just for the pleasure of a moment with u.

Wanting u is easy missing u is hard.
Wishing u was with me wrapped up in my arms.
Constantly think of u when we r apart.
Love got the padlock u has the key to my heart.

It takes 2 to tango, 2 to kiss, 2 to talk and reminisce.
So many good things cum in 2 and one of those things is me and u!

There are Tulips in my garden; there are Tulips in the park,
But nothing is more be beautiful than our two lips meeting in the dark!

When you love someone truly, you don't look for faults,
You don't look for answers; you don't look for mistakes.
Instead, you fight the mistakes; you accept the faults and overlook the excuses.

We cannot be together,
But we'll never be apart,
For no matter what life brings us,
You’re always in my heart.

A kiss that is never tasted is forever and ever wasted. -Billie Holiday

Feelings are many but words are few, clouds are dark
But sky is blue; Love is a paper, life is glue, every thing is false,
Only My Love is TRUE.

U want & u get, that's luck, U want & u wait that are time.
U want but u compromise, that's life. And
U want & u wait & u don't compromise that's LOVE.

If you r in a dark room, you find blood everywhere and the
Walls are shaking- don't worry friend,
U r at the safest place, you r in my heart

I love the way you make me happy, and the ways
You show your care. I love the way you say, 'I Love You,'
And the way you're always there.

When it hurts to look back and you are scared to
Look ahead look beside you I'll always be there 4 you.

Little keys can open big locks; simple words can express
Great thoughts. A text from u never fails to make
Me smile the whole day through.

If I were to describe true love then I would describe it as
What a snowman did to a snowwoman:
He gave her warm hug n they both melted in each other’s arms.

Never waste an opportunity 2 say 'I love U' to someone u really like,
Coz it is not everyday we’ll meet the person who has the magic to let u fall in love.

I looked at a sweet, beautiful rose, and then
I looked at you, and I kept looking at you, for the rose isn't as beautiful as you. 2

If I could give u one thing in life, I would give u the ability to
See yourself through my eyes, only then would u realize how special u r to me.

You put the fun in together,
The sad in apart,
The hope in tomorrow,
The joy in my heart

Let love be the guide to your dreams, let love be the light to your heart,
Let your love be the reason why somebody else's heart still continues to beat.

If loving u is wrong, then I don't want to be right.
My love for u is strong & brighter than any light.
The way we must go is long but we'll win every fight.

Sometimes my eyes get jealous of my heart. Know why?
Coz you always remain close to my heart and far from my eyes.

Loving is not how u forget but how u forgive, not how u
Listen but how u understand, not what u see but how u feel
& Not how u let go but how u hold on.

Another month, another year, another smiles,
Another tears, another winter, another summer too
But there will never be another you!

What is the difference between blood and you?
Blood enters the heart and flows out but you entered the heart and stayed.

When we were kids, we couldn't wait to grow up n fall in love.
Now that we are grown up, we realize that wounded knees were easier to heal than broken hearts.

'I Trust You' is a better compliment than 'I Love You' because you may not always trust the person you love but you can always love the person you trust.

Don’t rush in love for it never runs out.
Let love be the one to knock at your door,
So by the time you start to fall, you know that your feeling is for sure.

The way u look into my eyes, it scares me,
The way u say I Love U, it scares me,
The way u know just what to say, it scares me,
The ways u scare me I love it.

If Roses were black and violets were brown,
My love for you would never be found but roses r red
And violets are blue; all I want to say is I LOUV U!

48+2 Members can sit in a Bus.
5+1 can sit in a Car.
3+1 can sit in a auto
1+1 can sit in a Bike.
Only 1 can sit in my Heart,
That’s ‘U’ my dear valentine

To Give Pleasure To
A Single Heart By A
Single Act Is Better
Than A Thousand
Heads Bowing In Prayer

What i need to live
Has been given to me
By the earth …
Why i need to live
Has been given to me
By you my valentine!!!
Happy Valentine’s Day

Sweet Love sms messages

Looking for Latest Sweet Love sms messages? We have great collection of Sweet Love sms text messages. Enjoy our interactive collection of Sweet Love sms in any particular choice. We are always adding New Sweet Love sms to our collection. You can get a large group of Sweet Love sms. Below are some favorite Sweet Love sms messages. You also short by Sweet Love sms messages, Cute Sweet Love sms, Short Sweet Love sms, Funny Sweet Love sms messages, Sweet Sweet Love sms and Sad Sweet Love sms text messages. Just like and send favorite sms to your relative.


U may be out of my sight, but not out of my heart,
U may be out of my reach but not out of my mind.
I may mean nothing to u but u will always be special to me!! 

LOVE is Special
LOVE is Sweet
LOVE is what makes
Life complete
LOVE is giving
LOVE is Kind
LOVE is Joy
& Peace of Mind
Love is Laughter
Seldom Tears
Sharing Caring
Through the Year
LOVE is more than words Express
But mostly

How much love in your Heart for Me?
100 % (Call Me)
50 % (Sms Me)
25 % (Only a Miss Call)
0% (No Answer)

What is love?
Those who play with it call it a game.
Those who don't have it call it a dream.
Those who understand it call it destiny. And me, I call it you.

The smallest word is I, the sweetest word is Love and
The dearest person in the world is you. That’s why I Love You.

If somebody said to me stop loving u.
I said I want to live more.

And all of your weight
All you dream
Falls on me it falls on me
And your beautiful sky
The light you bring
Falls on me it falls on me
Your faith like the pain
Draws me in again
She washes all my wounds for me
The darkness in my veins
I never could explain
And I wonder if you ever see
Will you still believe?

Am I that strong?
To carry on
I might change your life
I might save my world
Could you save me?

I- I
T- Trusts
A- and
L- love
Y- You

When you love somebody, your eyelashes go up and down
And little stars come out of you.

You’ve had me baby
From the very start
You're always on my mind
Way deep inside my heart
Forever I will love you
Until the end of time
You are my life, my love
I'm so glad that you're mine.

I love to see you smile
In the lone summer of light
And hold you oh so close
Underneath the stars at night
But there is just one thing
Darling through and through
Forever I will cherish
Every moment with you

Answer this if you love someone,
You should arrange this word in 3 different words.


Love it’s a pain there is no doctor that can explain it,
It tackles the heart and affects the brain.

Flowers die,
Stories End,
Songs Fade,
Memories are forgotten,
All things come to End,
But, "Previous People" Like "You"
Are always remembered.

Nothing can show how much I love u.
Nothing can prove how much I need thee.
No1 else would b my special girl if u left me in this world.

I've seen angels in the sky,
I've seen snow fall in July,
I've seen things you could only imagine to see or do,
But I still haven't seen anything sweeter than you!

The length & breadth & height of you, total up to quite a view,
But to taste the true delight of you, I'll have to take a bite of u.

Baby I have an addiction problem.
People say I should go to rehab but I always tell them
That I don't want to go cause I'm addicted to U!

Once Upon a Time, Something happened to me.
It was the sweetest thing that ever could be. It was a fantasy,
A dream come true it was the day I met you.


I hate the way you’re always right
I hate it when u lies
I hate it when you make me laugh,
Or even worse when you make me cry
I hate it when you’re not around
And the fact that you didn't call
But mostly I hate the way
I don't hate you
Not even a little
Not even at all.

I think I love you
More than words can say,
I think I love you
More and more each day
I think I love you
With all of my heart,
I think I love you
Hate when we're apart.
I think I love you
Loving you’d easy,
I think I love you
Though it sounds cheesy.
Thinking all of this
I know I love you.

Somebody is thinking of you.
Somebody is caring about you.
Somebody misses you.
Somebody wants to talk to you.
Somebody is very proud of you.
Somebody wishes you were here.
Somebody needs you to have faith in him or her.
Somebody trusts you.
Somebody hears a song that reminds him or her of you.
Somebody hopes everything turns out great for you.
Somebody wants you to know they are there for you.
Somebody can't wait to see you.
Somebody loves you for who you are.
Somebody wants you to be happy.
Somebody sends you a smile!
Somebody is glad to have you for a friend!
And that somebody is I!!!
I love you!

I thank God he sent you to me,
For you and I were meant to be.
We have a bond too strong to break,
We have a love no one can take.

A soup can remove a stain,
Heat of sun can remove morning mist
But not even a heart transplant can remove you from my heart 

If love was a rose, I wood simply pick it 4u
If it was a gift, I give it 2 u
If it was a perfume I wood buy it 4u
But since love is a feeling I'll like 2 share it with u.

I may be innocent to know what love is,
I may not show it to you,
I may not love you,
U the way it should be,
BUT I am always willing to love u the way
I understand it...hard to forget u

I have no regrets I will never regret loving some one
Because the feeling of love for five minutes
Is greater than an eternity of hurt.

Men love because they are afraid of themselves,
Afraid of the loneliness that lives in them,
And need some one in whom they can lose themselves,
As smoke loses itself in the sky

My love for you is true and will never change.
During the time that passes by
Are you happy with over love. Honey?
But for me very much!!!

When someone told you I love you don’t say
I love you too just hold his dress and say dude your so cool
What a joke you know I don’t need somebody who will hurt me

Students Exams sms messages

Looking for Latest Students Exams sms messages? We have great collection of Students Exams sms text messages. Enjoy our interactive collection of Students Exams sms in any particular choice. We are always adding New Students Exams sms to our collection. You can get a large group of Students Exams sms. Below are some favorite Students Exams sms messages. You also short by Students Exams sms messages, Cute Students Exams sms, Short Students Exams sms, Funny Students Exams sms messages, Sweet Students Exams sms and Sad Students Exams sms text messages. Just like and send favorite sms to your relative.

A father asks peon: How are the studies in this college?
Where do I see my son in future?
Peon: The future is bright;
I had also completed my engineering from the same college!

My nights are going sleepless. My days are
Going useless. So I asked GOD, "am this love?
". GOD replied, "No dear, result is near".

To be a "Good professional", always start to study late for
"Exams". Because it teaches how to manage
"Time" and tackle "Emergencies"!!

“The probability of a topic
Coming in exam increases exponentially,
If one decides to leave the topic completely….”

Lovely days in my life:
Childhood days,
School days
& Collage days,
Horrible days in my life:
“Only exam days”

A student grabbed a coin,
Flipped it in the air & said,
“Head, I go to sleep.”
Tail, I watch a movie.
If it stands on the edge I’ll study’s

Exam sms:
Exams are like Girl friends
Too many questions
Difficult to understand
More explanation is needed
Result is always failed! 

Harbhajan starts raising his bat on 33 runs.
Dravid: What happened, its not 50 or 100!
Harbhajan: Yes, but the students understand the
Importance of scoring 33

Human brain is the most outstanding object in world.
It functions 24hrs a day, 365days a year.
It functions right from the time we are born,
And stop only when we enter the examination hall.

According to Newton’s 4th law for exams-
Every book will continue to be at rest
Or covered with dust
Until some
External or internal exam moves it!

All I want you is to be courageous
Be calm and
Be self equipped with facts and figures
To conquer this exams battle
I wish you is best of luck in your exams

Is A Person
Who Can Do For
$1 What Any Fool Can
Do For $100″
-As Such V Complete
Syllabus In 1 Day,
Those Lecturers
Try In 1 Semester!!

Exams are there,
At the paper u stare;
The answer is nowhere,
Which makes u pull your hair.
The teachers make u glare,
The grades r not fair,
But just like the past 20 yrs,

Human brain is the most
Outstanding object in world,
It functions 24 hours a day,
365 days a year.
It functions right from the time we are born,
And stop only when we enter the examination hall.

My nights are going sleepless,
My days are going useless.
So I asked GOD,
“Is this love?”
GOD replied,
“No dear, result is near”

To accomplish great things,
We must not only act,
But also dream,
Not only plan but also believe,
Best wishes for your exam.

It takes 15 trees to
Produce the amount
Of paper that we
Use to write one exam.
Join us in promoting the noble
Cause of saving trees

Exams are like GIRL FRIENDS
1 Too Many Questions
2 Difficult to understand
3 More Explanation is needed
4 Result is always FAIL!

Rain of summer, snow of winter,
Grace of autumn, glory of spring,
May beauty of every season
Give your heart a beautiful reason 2 smile.
May God succeed u in every exams of your life?
Good luck & all the best

Sundays-52 in a year, Days left 313
Summer holidays 50,Days left 263
8 hrs daily sleep-130 days Gone, Days left 141
1 hr daily playing means 15 days left 126
2 hrs daily for eating means 30 days. Days left 96,
1 hr talking means 15 days, Days left 81
Exams days 35 days, Days left 46
Eid & Gov holidays 20; Days left 26
Movies, TV at least 25 days, Days left 1
That 1-day is your BIRTHDAY.
Hun banda SALGIRHA waly din bhi parhy?

Cricket is getting excited day by day with the introduction of ICL n T20…
Same rules should be applied in Exams!
(1) Exams Timing Should Be Reduced To One Hour.
(2) Power Play – No Invigilator In Exam Hall For 1st 15 mins.
(3) Cheer Leaders – To Dance After Every Right Answer Written.
(4) Strategic Time-Out – Time For Students For Discussion.
(5) Super Over – Chance For Students To Form Their Own Question.

Sorry sms messages

Looking for Latest Sorry sms messages? We have great collection of Sorry sms text messages. Enjoy our interactive collection of Sorry sms in any particular choice. We are always adding New Sorry sms to our collection. You can get a large group of Sorry sms. Below are some favorite Sorry sms messages. You also short by Sorry sms messages, Cute Sorry sms, Short Sorry sms, Funny Sorry sms messages, Sweet Sorry sms and Sad Sorry sms text messages. Just like and send favorite sms to your relative.

I'm sorry for blaming you.
For everything I just couldn't do
And I've hurt myself by hurting you
There's nothing I wouldn't do to hear your voice again
Sometimes, I want to call you, but I know you won't be there
It's hard to say goodbye when I

I'm sorry to be smiling every time you're near.
I'm sorry my eyes twinkle whenever you're here.
I'm sorry that cupid has made his hit. I'm sorry I love you. I can't help it.

I am sorry to be smiling every time you’re near.
I am sorry my eyes twinkle whenever you’re here.
I am sorry that cupid has made his hit.
I am sorry I love you,
I can’t help it.

Remember the good times we had spent together,
And the beautiful future we had dreamy of
Darling I never wanted to create a distance between us
Please let us bridge the gaps

We love you even after making so many mistakes.
Then how can we hate others 4 their small mistakes?
Strange but true! So make habit of FORGIVING.

As I feel the tear go down my cheek,
I notice that my heart is weak,
For the love I have for you,
Will always be gold and true,
I have made some mistakes; they rest in the past,
But know my love will always last,
Even though we are a distance apart,
You always have the key to my heart.

Don’t get confused, Array Baba SORRY means:
O->One Is,
Have a wonderful day

< ( . . )>
/ ( v)
Hello, How R U?
< ( . . )>
/ (v )
( , , )..( ,, )...
R U bored from MY SMS!
< ( . . )> S o r r y
/ ( v )(,,) again!

Sms Related sms messages

Looking for Latest Sms Related sms messages? We have great collection of Sms Related sms text messages. Enjoy our interactive collection of Sms Related sms in any particular choice. We are always adding New Sms Related sms to our collection. You can get a large group of Sms Related sms. Below are some favorite Sms Related sms messages. You also short by Sms Related sms messages, Cute Sms Related sms, Short Sms Related sms, Funny Sms Related sms messages, Sweet Sms Related sms and Sad Sms Related sms text messages. Just like and send favorite sms to your relative.

Ummido ki shama dil mein mat jalana....
huzefa se alag duniya mat basana...
waise aaj mood main hu to sms kar diya par
roz intezaar mein palke mat bichana.

Sms har pal karu to shararat hogi, har din karu to
paresani hogi, kabhi kabaar karu to kanjusi hogi,
par dil se karu toh aapko khushi hogi.

Smile sms messages

Looking for Latest Smile sms messages? We have great collection of Smile sms text messages. Enjoy our interactive collection of Smile sms in any particular choice. We are always adding New Smile sms to our collection. You can get a large group of Smile sms. Below are some favorite Smile sms messages. You also short by Smile sms messages, Cute Smile sms, Short Smile sms, Funny Smile sms messages, Sweet Smile sms and Sad Smile sms text messages. Just like and send favorite sms to your relative.

Always be Happy; always wear a smile;
Not because life is full of reasons to smile
But because your smile itself is a reason
For many others to smile . . .

Rose is Famous 4 Grace.
Advocate is Famous 4 his Case.
Horses r Famous 4 Race.
But u r Famous 4 Smile on Ur Face.
Have a nice day.

Thousands of languages around this world
But “smile” can beat them all.
Because “Smile” is the Language even a BABY can speak.

There is always a reason 4 everything
A reason 2 live
A reason 2 die
A reason 2 cry,
But if u can’t find a reason to smile
Can I be the reason 4 a while:)

For You,
One For Each Hour
So That You Keep Smiling 24 HOURS

Smile For The Ones You Love…
A Simple Smile Is All It Takes To Make One Happy…
Love Can Come In Many Different Ways, Shapes n Sizes …
But A Simple Smile Will Conquer Everything …
And Leave The Best Of Us Speechless …

In the morning,
Sun gazes at me to make me happy…
Cool breeze hugs me to see my smile…
Birds sing to make me smile….
But my dear,
They don’t know that
My smile is incomplete until
I remember your face.

Short Love sms messages

Looking for Latest Short Love sms messages? We have great collection of Short Love sms text messages. Enjoy our interactive collection of Short Love sms in any particular choice. We are always adding New Short Love sms to our collection. You can get a large group of Short Love sms. Below are some favorite Short Love sms messages. You also short by Short Love sms messages, Cute Short Love sms, Short Short Love sms, Funny Short Love sms messages, Sweet Short Love sms and Sad Short Love sms text messages. Just like and send favorite sms to your relative.


Anyone can make you SMILE,
Anyone can make you CRY,
But it is that special person
That can make you smile with tears in your eyes.

What I feel for you is really true.
You got to know, I need you so.
When you are gone, I can't go on.
Can't you see, that you are the only one for me?

Once in a while, "great love" comes to your life.
It probably won't last but it's good to know that at least
Once in your life, you had that kind of love.

Love moves in mysterious ways, it's always so surprising
When love appears over the horizon: "I love you",
For the rest of my days but it's still a mystery of
How you ever came to me, which only proves,
LOVE MOVES in mysterious ways...

I love 3 things! T
He sun, the moon and U!
The sun for the day, the moon for the night and you forever!

 ("v") ("v") ("v")
'v' 'v' 'v'
("v") ("v") ("v")
'v' 'v' 'v'
("v") ("v") ("v")
'v' 'v' 'v'
I love YOU !!!

Love is not about finding the right person,
But creating a right relationship.
It’s not about how much love u has in the beginning
But how much love u build till the end!!!

Love is not about finding the right person,
But creating a right relationship. It’s not about
How much love u has in the beginning
But how much love u build till the end!!! 

I have a pen; the pen is blue
I have a love the love is u
The pen was broken
The ink was dry
My love never dies...

You’re the one I love. The one I need.
But bad mistakes I’ve done indeed.
In search for forgiveness and happiness too
I want to say that I love u


Don't find love, Let love find you,
That's why it's called falling in love,
Because you don't force yourself to fall, you just fall.

Love is God's own gift to us,
A present from above
He gives us peace,
He gives us joy,
But first he gives us love.

Love does not diminish
Or rust and fade with years
But gains its strength from time
Laughter, joy and tears.

If people came with labels, yours would say:
100j PURE,
25% loving,
25% caring,
25% smart,
25% loyal,
COLOUR: cheerful,
SIZE: huggable,
TYPE: one of a kind!!!

My love 4u is unconditional
My love 4u is real
My love 4u is something
So incredible to feel
Holding u on those summer nights
Feeling your soft kiss with the sun
My love for u is something
That never once had to be won
I love u with the passing days
And with those we have not seen
You’re the one in all my thoughts
In all my living dreams
You’re the one whose hand is in mine
Whose lips I can't ignore
U are my life, my world, and my love
You’re all that I adore.

Even through tears, the sun shines through.
Without your warmth, what would I do?

It's hard to find someone, whom you truly love,
Much less to find someone who loves you as much.
When the chance comes, don't ever let go.

You showed me how it is to be loved.
Now I know what really love is.
1 day we will be together forever.
I can't wait to hold you in my arms again.

Trying to forget someone you loved is like trying to
Remember someone you never knew.

Gateway of memories will never close.
How much I miss u no one knows.
Days will in years & I will remember u in my silent tears.

When Someone Loves You,
You Don't Realize It.
When You Realize It,
It’s Too Late.
You Always Love The One That Leaves You,
& Always Leave The One That Loves You...!

One Meaning of "LOVE"
L= Life
O= Observe
V= variety
E= Enjoy

Love is like the sun coming out of the clouds and warming your soul.

Love start with a smile grows with a gift &
Ends with a tear, But friendship...starts with eyes grows
With an understanding & Ends with Death.

Love is a river
- _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_,
I love you.

U r 10 % sweet,
20 % cute,
30 % nice,
40 % funny,
50 % since,
60 % I need u,
70 % I want u,
80 % I like u,
90 % I love you,
100 % I miss you.

Simple bye makes us cry;
Simple joke makes us laugh;
Simple care makes us fall in love;
Simple touch makes

Dedicate time to enjoy; it's the secret of youth.
Dedicate time for friends; it's the path to happiness.
Dedicate time to love n b loved, it's source of joy n satisfaction.

I have liked many but loved one,
Yet no one has been as sweet as u.
I'd stand and wait in the world’s longest queue,
Just for the pleasure of a moment with u. Love you.

Love is patient; love is kind.
It does not envy, it does not boast.
It is not proud. It is not rude; it is not self-seeking.
It is not easily angered;
It keeps no record of wrongs.
Love does not delight in evil,
But rejoices with the truth.
It always protects; always trust,
Always hopes, always perseveres.

Every tear is a sign of brokenness,
Every silence is sign of loneliness,
Every smile is sign of kindness,
Every sms is sign of remembrance.

To walk is easy but 2 walks alone is tough,
Being missed by someone is nice but missing someone is painful,
Being loved is secure but to love is insecure!

These are some of the romantic countries in the world,
Holland: hope our love lasts & never dies,
Italy: I trust & love you,
Libya: love is beautiful & u also,
France: friendship remains & never comes to an end.

Your absence should be long enough so that somebody misses u,
It shouldn't be so long that somebody finds out that
How well he can do without u...!

I wish I could be a dove to bring you peace,
A cupid to bring you love, an angel to bring you a
Miracle but am just a friend and hope that it brings you.

We are family,
You and I are family,
You and me are family,
No matter what the difference is
Family we are, forever
Because we are here, and here is earth
And earth is our home
So here, we will live,
We are family.

Rivers Can Dry
Mountains Can Fly
You can forget me
But never Can I....

Shayari sms messages

Looking for Latest Shayari sms messages? We have great collection of Shayari sms text messages. Enjoy our interactive collection of Shayari sms in any particular choice. We are always adding New Shayari sms to our collection. You can get a large group of Shayari sms. Below are some favorite Shayari sms messages. You also short by Shayari sms messages, Cute Shayari sms, Short Shayari sms, Funny Shayari sms messages, Sweet Shayari sms and Sad Shayari sms text messages. Just like and send favorite sms to your relative.

Ummido ki shama dil me mat jalana,
is jahan se alag duniya mat basana,
aaj bas mood me tha to SMS kar diya,
par roj intezar me palke mat bichana!

Is kadar hum yaar ko manane nikle,
uski chahat ke hum deewane nikle,
 jab bhi use dil ka haal batana chaha,
 to uske hothon se waqt na hone ke bahane nikle...

Aansuo ke girne ki aahat nahi hoti,
Dil ke tootne ki awaaz nahi hoti,
Agar hota khuda ko ehsaas dard ka,
to use dard dene ki Aadat nahi hoti..

Hamara har lamha chura liya aapne,
 aankhon ko ik chand dikha diya aapne.
 Hamein zindagi to di kisi aur ne,
 par pyaar itna dekar jeena sikha diya aapne.

Woh nadiyan nahi aansu they mere,
jinpar woh kashti chalate rahe.
Manzil mile unhein yeh chahat thi meri,
 isliye hum aansu bahate rahe.

Tujhe bhoolkar bhi na bhool payenge hum,
 Bas yahi ek wada nibha payenge hum.
Mita denge khud ko bhi jahan se lekin,
Tera naam dil se na mita payenge hum..

Ye pyari nigahein yaad rahengi,
 milkar na milne ki ada yaad rahegi,
mumkin nahi ki main tumhe bhula dun,
aur umar bhar tumhe bhi meri yaad rahegi.

Tum mujhe kabhi dil kabhi aakhon se pukaro,
Ye hothon ke taqaluf to zamane ke liye hain.

Dosti insan ki zaroorat hai, dilon pe dosti ki huqumat hai,
aap ke pyar ki wajah se zinda hain warna khuda
ko bhi hamari zaroorat hai.

Tu dekh ya na dekh, tere dekhne ka gham nahi, par teri ye
na dekhne ki ada dekhne se kam nahi..

Is se pehle ki dilo me nafrat jaage, aao ek shaam mohabbat
me bita di jaye.... Karke kuch mohabbat ki baatein,
Is shaam ki masti badha di jaye.

Teri doori ka ehsaas jab satane laga. Tere sath guzra har
lamha yaad aane laga. Jab bhi bhulane ki koshish ki.
Tu dil ke aur karib aane laga.

Jab bhi kisi ko kareeb paya hai, kasam khuda
ki wahin dhokha khaya hai. Kyon dosh dete hein
hum kanto ko... Zakham to humne phulo se paaya hai.

Karoge yaad ek din is pyar ke zamane ko, chale jayenge
jab hum kabhi na vapas aane ko. Chalega mehfil me jab
zikr hamara koi, to tum bhi tanhayi dhundoge aansu bahane ko.

Mohobbat ka imtihan aasan nahi; pyar sirf pane ka naam nahi.
Muddatein beet jati hain kisi ke intezaar mein,
ye sirf pal-do-pal ka kaam nahi.

Teri berukhi ko bhi rutba diya humne.
Pyar ka har farz ada kiya humne. Mat soch ke hum
bhool gaye hain tujhe; aaj bhi khuda se pehle tujhe yaad kiya humne.

Tanhai bhari zindagi ka safar mila; na saathi, na humsafar mila.
Hum diya jalta chhod gaye the unke liye; jab vapis lote to jalta hua ghar mila.

Na jaane tum pe itna yakin kyon hai? Tera khayal bhi itna
haseen kyon hai? Suna hai Pyar ka dard meetha hota hai;
to aankh se nikla ye aansu namkeen kyon hai?

Sabhi ko sabh kuch nahi milta, nadi ki har lehar ko sahil
nahi milta, yeh dil walon ki dunia hai dost, kisi se dil nahi
milta to koi dil se nahi milta.

Mohabbat mein laakhon zakham khaye humne,
afsos unhe hum par aitbar nahi, mat pucho kya
gujarti hai dil par, jab vo kehte hai hame tumse pyar nahi..

Hasta huya dekh kar log kehte hain ke hum gam
se khali hain, par unhe kya pata ke jo gam ke baag hain,
hum us baag ke mali hain..

Zuban khamosh, ankhon me nami hogi,
Yahi bas ek dastan-e-zindagi hogi,
Bharne ko to har zakham bhar jayega,
kaise bharegi wo jagah jaha Teri kami hogi.

Kabar ki mitti utha ke le gaya koi, isi bahane humein
choo kar chala gaya koi, tanhayi aur andhere mein khush
they hum, lekin phir se intezaar karne ki wajah de gaya koi..

Dil to unke seene mein bhi machalta hoga..
husn bhi so-so rang badalta hoga..
Uthti hongi jab nagahein unki..
Khud "khuda" bhi gir-gir ke sambhalta hoga..

Kadam kadam pe baharon ne saath chhoda, zaroorat padne
par yaaron ne saath chhoda, vaada kiya sitaron ne saath
dene ka, subah hone par sitaron ne bhi saath chhoda.

Khamoshiyan teri mujhse baatein karti hain, meri har
aah har dard samajhti hain. Pata hai majbuur hai tu
bhi aur main bhi, phir bhi aankhein tere deedar ko tarasti hain.

Mere haathon se gir gayi lakeeren kahin, bhool aaye
hum apni takdeeren kahin. Agar mile tumko kahin to
utha lena, mere hisse ki har khushi apne haathon pe saja lena.

Bolti hai dosti, chup rehta hai pyar. Hasati hai dosti,
rulata hai pyar. Milati hai dosti, juda karta hai pyar.
Phir bhi kyun dosti chodkar log karte hain pyar??

Unki tasveer ko seene se laga lete hain, iss tarah judai ka
gham mitaa lete hain. Kisi tarah zikar ho jaye unka, to
hass kar bheegi palkein jhuka lete hain.

Bheeg jaati hain palkein tanhayi mein, darte hain
koi jaan na le. Pasand karte hain tez barsaat mein
chalna, kahi rote hue ko koi pehchaan na le.

Teri dosti mein khud ko mehfooz maante hain,
hum doston mein tumhe sabse azeez maante hain.
Teri dosti ke saaye mein zinda hain, hum to tujhe khuda
ka diya hua tabeez maante hain.

Tu dekh ya na dekh, tere dekhne ka gam nahi,
Par teri ye na dekhne ki ada dekhne se kam nahi.

Aaj didar, kal yaar, parson pyaar,
phir ekrar, phir intezar, phir takrar,
phir darar, sari mehnat bekar,
aur aakhir mein ek aur devdas at beer bar.

Bazu-o-mein dum rakhta hun,
Dil mein gum rakhta hun,
Pata tha SMS ayega tera,
Isliye DISPRIN sang rakhta hun.

Dil ka dard dil todne wale kya jane,
Pyar ke rivazon ko zamana kya jane,
Hoti hai kitni takleef ladki patane mein,
Ye ghar pe baitha ladki ka baap kya jaane.

Aey mere SMS mere dost ke pass jana,
Agar wo so raha ho to shor mat machana,
Jab wo jage to dhire se 'Muskarana',
Phir kehna "KANJUS" SMS karo!

Aahat si koi aaye to lagta hai ki tum ho,
Saya sa koi lehraye to lagta hai ki tum ho,
Ab tumhi batao tum kya kisi bhoot se kam ho?

Kya lekar aaya tha?
Kya lekar jayega?
Mujhe SMS na karke zaalim,
Tu kitna chillar bachayega?

Jab jab ghire badal teri yaad ayi,
Jab jhoom ke barsa sawan teri yaad ayi,
Jab-jab mein bhiga teri yaad ayi,
Ab raha nahin jata, Chatri Lauta de Bhai.

Vo aaj bhi hume dekh kar muskurate hain,
Vo aaj bhi hume dekh kar muskurate hain,
Yeh to unke bachche hee kaminey hain,
Jo Mama-Mama kehke bulaate hain.

Hum na hote to aapko gazal kaun kehta, apke chehre ko
gulab kaun kehta, Ye to karishma hai hum pyar karne
walon ka warna pattharon ko Taj Mahal kaun kehta.

Ankhein khuli ho to chehra tumhara ho,
Aankhein bandh ho to sapna tumhara ho,
Mujhe maut ka dar na hoga,
Agar kafan ki jagah dupatta tumhara ho.

Pyara sa ehsas ho tum, har pal mere pas ho tum,
Jine ki ek aas ho tum, mann ka ek vishwas ho tum,
Shayad is liye.... Kuch khas ho tum.

Dil mein umeedo ki shamma jala rakhi hai,
Humne apni alag duniya basa rakhi hai,
Is umeed ke saath ki ayega SMS aapka,
Humne mobile par nazrein jama rakhi hein.

Unka ashiyana dil mein basa rakha hai,
Unki yadon ko seene se laga rakha hai,
Pata nahi yaad aate hain wohi kyun,
Vaise dost to hamne auron ko bhi bana rakha hai.

Baag ki har kali, khushbu de apko,
Suraj ki har kiran, nai subah de apko,
Hum to kuch dene ke kabil nahi hain,

Zindagi behaal hai,
Sur hai na taal hai,
Msg box bhi kangal hai,
kya aapki sms factory me hartal hai,
Yaar kuch to bhejo ye meri mobile ki zindagi ka sawaal hai.

Hum dua karte hain Khuda se,
ki wo aap jaisa dost aur na banaye,
Ek Cartoon jaisi cheez hai humare paas,
kahin wo bhi common na ho jaye!

Tere DIL mein rahenge SMS bankar,
Dhadkano mein bajenge RINGTONE bankar,
Kabhi apne DIL se juda mut Samajana,
Hum tere saath chalenge NETWORK ban.

Tere DIL mein rahenge SMS bankar,
Dhadkano mein bajenge RINGTONE bankar,
Kabhi apne DIL se juda mut Samajana,
Hum tere saath chalenge NETWORK bankar!

Aapki muskan hamari kamjori hai,
Keh na pana hamari majburi hai,
Aap kyon nahin samajhte is khamoshi ko,
Kya khamoshi ko zuban dena jaruri hai?

Soch ko badlo, sitare badal jayeng,
Najar ko badlo, nazare badal jayenge,
Kashtiya badalne ki jarurat nahi,
Dishaon ko badlo, KINARE badal jayenge.

Do pal ki bhi khushi na mili to kya hua umr bhar gam ke sahare ji lenge,
Kya hua jo hamari girlfriend nahi, hum aapki girlfriend ke sahare ji lenge.

Ek din hamare annsoon humse pooch baithe, humey roz -roz kyon bulate ho,
Humne kaha hum yaad to unhe karte hain tum kyon chale aate ho.

Kaun jane kab maut ka paigam aa jaye,
Zindagi ki akhari sham aa jaye,
Hum toh dhundhte hain waqt aisa jab,
Hamari zindagi apke kam aa jaye.

Qayamat tak tujhe yaad karenge,
Teri har baat par aitbaar karenge,
Tujhe SMS karne ko to nahi kahenge,
Par phir bhi tere SMS ka intezar karenge.

Koi ankhon se baat kar leta hai,
Koi ankhon mein mulakat kar leta hai,
Bada mushkil hota hai jawab dena,
Jab koi khamosh rehkar sawaal kar leta hai.

Ai mere humnashin chal kahin aur chal,
Is chaman mein ab apna guzaara nahin,
Baat hoti gulon tak to seh lete hum,
Ab to kaanton pe bhi haq hamara nahin.

Bahut dur magar bahut paas rehte ho,
Aankho se dur magar dil ke paas rehte ho,
Mujhe bas itna bata do kya tum bhi mere bina udaas rehte ho?

Hume Hasne-Hasane ki aadat hai, Nazron se Nazar Milane ki aadat hai,
Par hamari to nazar unse hai ja mili, Jinhe nazar Zhukake Sharmane ki Aadat hai.

Chand lamhon ki zindagani hai, nafraton se jiya nahi karte,
lagta hai dusamanon se guzarish karni padegi, dost to aab yaad kiya nahi karte

Dhoka diya tha jab tum ne mujhe,
Dil se main naraaz tha,
Phir socha ki dil se tumhe nikal dun,
Magar woh kambakth dil bhi tumhare paas tha.....

Teri dosti hum is tarah nibhayenge,
Tum roz khafa hona hum roz manayenge,
Par maan jana manane se,
Warna yeh bheegi palkein le ke kaha jayenge.

Manzil unhi ko milti hai, Jinke sapno me jaan hoti hai,
Pankh se kuchh nahi hota, Hauslon se udaan hoti hai.

Woh ruthte rahe hum manate rahe,
Unki raahon me palkein bichate rahe,
Unhone kabhi palat ke bhi na dekha,
Hum ankh jhapkane se bhi katrate rahe.

Yaadon ki dhund me aapki parchai si lagti hai,
Kaanon me gunjti shahnai si lagti hai,
Aap karib ho to apnapan hai,
Warna seene me saanse bhi parai si lagti hai.

Woh inkar karte hain ikrar ke liye,
Nafrat bhi karte hain to pyar ke liye,
Ulti chaal chalte hain yeh ishqwale,
Ankhein band karte hain didar ke liye.

Kuch nasha to aapki baat ka hai,
kuch nasha to dheemi barsaat ka hai,
humein aap yun hi sharabi na kahiye,
is dil par asar to aap se mulakat ka hai!

Ek ada aapke dil churane ki, ek ada aapke dil me bus jane ki,
Chehra apka chand sa aur ek zid hamari chand pane ki.

Send me sms messages

Looking for Latest Send me sms messages? We have great collection of Send me sms text messages. Enjoy our interactive collection of Send me sms in any particular choice. We are always adding New Send me sms to our collection. You can get a large group of Send me sms. Below are some favorite Send me sms messages. You also short by Send me sms messages, Cute Send me sms, Short Send me sms, Funny Send me sms messages, Sweet Send me sms and Sad Send me sms text messages. Just like and send favorite sms to your relative.

My cell phone loves it when u sms its little face lights up,
Bursts in to beeps and has your name written all over it.
I think u should sms more often, I think it likes u!

Doctor’s prescription 4 u...
A cute little smiles 4 breakfasts,
More laughs 4 lunches,
And lots of happiness 4 dinners...
Doctor's fees
A SMS whenever u r free

Heart can skip beat for a while...
Memories can be kept in d file...
A desert can be replaced by Nile.
But nothing can stop a smile,
When ur name comes on my MOBILE.

Great people talk about ideas,
Average people talk about things,
Small people talk about other people, and
Legends never talk; they send SMS

Relationship is like a Garden.
It's beautiful when watered with...love, hugs, tears & cheers.
But it dries up if left untouched...so please keep in touch...

My cell phone loves it when u sms its little face lights up,
Bursts in to beeps and has ur name written all over it.
I think u should sms more often, I think it likes u!

I am in hospital now. After 5 minutes,
I will be transferred to a surgery room.
The doctor told me,
I will die if I stop RECEIVING YOUR SMS.

Being near is not the meaning of being dear.
I may be far from u but massages are bridges to make u feel
That I always remember you!

Normal Heart ECG
_,-,_/! -,-._/.-
        \" I/

Great people talk about ideas,
Average people talk about things,
Small people talk about other people, and
Legends never talk; they send SMS.

B4 u speak - listen,
B4 u write - think,
B4 u spend - earn,
B4 u criticize - wait,
B4 u prays - forgive,
B4 u quit - try,
B4 u massages others - massage me

S - Sweet
M - Motile
S - Stage
So keep messaging me when you at puberty.

Lovers send SMS when they are in a enjoyable Motile Stage.
So keep messaging me when you are in toilet. My dear lover

So be cool and smoke everyday

@ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @
@ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @
@ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @

Sardar sms messages

Looking for Latest Sardar sms messages? We have great collection of Sardar sms text messages. Enjoy our interactive collection of Sardar sms in any particular choice. We are always adding New Sardar sms to our collection. You can get a large group of Sardar sms. Below are some favorite Sardar sms messages. You also short by Sardar sms messages, Cute Sardar sms, Short Sardar sms, Funny Sardar sms messages, Sweet Sardar sms and Sad Sardar sms text messages. Just like and send favorite sms to your relative.

Sardar at an Art Gallery:
I suppose this horrible looking thing is
What you call modern art?
Art dealer: I beg your pardon sir, that’s a mirror!

Sardar sent a SMS to his pregnant wife.
Two seconds later a report came
To his phone and he started dancing.
The report said, “DELIVERED”.

Teacher told all students
In a class to write an essay
On a cricket match;
All were busy writing except one Sardarji.
He wrote No match, due to rain!!!

Sardar sent SMS to his BOSS:
“Me sick, no work”
Boss SMS back:
“When I am sick I kiss my wife try it”
2 hours later sardar sms 2 boss:
“Me ok, ur wife very sweet”

Sardar Bunks office n goes to home.
He saw his wife with his boss.
He comes back running office and says,
‘baap re, boss ne dekh liya hota to maar daalta.

Sardar : What is the name of your car ?
Lady : I forgot the name, but is starts with “T”.
Sardar : Oye Kamaal ki gaadi hai, Tea se start hoti hai.
Hamaara gaadi petrol se start hoti hai.

Teacher: How Do You Differentiate
SARDAR: Before Marriage We Sleep With “MOTHER”
& After Marriage, We Sleep With Our “WIFE”

Judge: why r u arrested?
Sardar: for shopping early?
Judge: well, that’s not a crime,
Anyway how early were u shopping?
Sardar: before opening the shop…..:p

Professor:Chemical symbol of Barium?
Sardar: BA
Professor:For sodium?
Sardar: NA
Professor:What will we get if 1 atom of BA
& 2 atoms of NA combined?
Sardar: BANANA

Hitler says,
“There is no word like IMPOSSIBLE in my dictionary”
Sardar says:Ab bolne se kiya fayidah?
“Jub kharidi thi tab hi check karna tha na”:D

A sardar prays daily for 2 hours,
“Hey vaheguru meri lottery lagady.”
After 11 years VaheGuru angrily appeared
& said,”Khoti de putar 1 vari ticket te le ley”

Lawyer to sardar:geeta pe hath rakho
Sardar:Kamal hai, Seeta pe hath rakha
to baat court tak pohanch gaye,
ab bol raha he geeta pe hath rakho:p

Sardar saw a very high Airtel Tower
& red light glowing on the top,
Seeing this he said �India is developing fast,
Sees there are traffic signals for Aeroplane in the air

Interviewer:what is skeleton?
Sardar:Sir, skeleton is a person
who started dieting but forgot to stop it..!!!

In bio practical:
Examiner:Tell me the name of
This bird by seeing it’s legs only?
Sardar:I don’t know.
Examiner:You failed, what’s your name?
Sardar:See my legs & tell my name

1st ever-intelligent sardar.
Teacher: what do u call a person
Who cannot hear anything?
sardar: u can call him anything,
Because he cannot hear anything:-)

A sardar goes to a restaurant
And his cell phone rings.
Wife: How are you?
Surprised Sardarji:Oji I am fine but
How did you know where I was?

A sardarji goes to a chinese restaurant
And puts his finger
On the last of menu: Bring this.
Waiter: Oh! You can’t get it
Because he is the owner of restaurant

A sardarji’s boy asked his dad:
What is a grownup joke?
Sardar ji replied:
any joke which is eighteen years old


Sardar to doctor:
When I sleep, monkeys
play football in my dreams.
Dr:No problem,
just take this medicine b4 sleep.
Sardar: Kal se khaonga aaj final hai.

Sardar english k paper main fail ho gaya,
He did translation:
1.Main aam admi nahi hon
I’m not a mango man
2.Sarda or garma fruit hain.
Colda & hota r fruits
3.Mujhey bhi english ati hay
English comes 2 me also
4.do ro do chaar.
Give and give four.
5.Mera taluk hari pur hazara se hay
I belong 2 green pur thousanda:)

A sardar had a child after 3 month of marriage.
He asked his wife ye 3 month k bad bacha kaise howa?
Wife replied:tumhari shadi ko kitna arsa hua?
Sardar:3 months.
Wife: or meri shadi ko ?
Sardar: 3 months
Wife: or bacha kitne month k baad?
Sardar:3 month.
Wife: total kitne hue?
Sardar: oye 9 months & start dancing
Balle Balle;->

Sardar 2 friend: Guess how many
coins I have in my pocket?
Friend:If I guess right, u give me 1?
Sardar:Oji, I will give both of them

Sardarji to others:
Did anyone lose money wrapped in a rubber band?
One said, Yes I did
Sardar: Well, it’s your lucky day,
I found the rubberband!

Sardar darvaze pe GUN liye khara tha
Wife: y r u standing here?
Sardar: Sher k shikar pe ja raha hon
Wife: To jao na..!
Sardar: Kase jaon baher KUTTA khara hai

Sardar selected a short girl to marry.
Because guru ji told him
Musibat jitni choti ho utna acha hai …:-P

Tring Tring Tring.
Sardar: Hello kon bol raha hai?
Other side: Ji, main bol raha hon.
Sardar: oye ye to kamal ho gia,
idhar se bhi main hi bol raha hon.

Teacher to Sardar: What is Number “Seven” , Even or Odd
Sardar: Even
Teacher: How can you make seven even?
Sardar:Remove the ‘S’!!

Sardar made a call to the airport.
Asked,”How long is the journey from Punjab to America?”
Receiptionist: “One second sir….”.
Sardar: Ok, thank you..!!!

A Sardar & his wife were waiting for train
itne main KHYBER MAIL aa gaye
Sardar bhag k train mein charha
Or apni wife se bola
Jab khyber female aye to tum bhi ajana

Sardar said to doctor:Pore jism main
kahin bhi ungli lagao to bohat dard hota hai,
Doctor suggested full body Xray
When he checked, Xray found fracture in “Ungli”

Newspaper Mein News Lugi K
“50% Of Sardars Are Donkeys”
The Sardars Protested.
Next Day News Lagi K
“50% Of Sardars R Not Donkeys”
The Sardars Celebrated.
Taxi driver to sardar:-
Sardar ji petrol khatam ho gaya ha gaddi agay nahi ja rahi
sardar: Koi gal nahi gaddi piche lelo

Sardar: I hav’nt slept all nite in the train.
Friend: Y?
Sardar: Got upper berth.
Friend: Y did’nt u ecchanged?
Sardar: oye, there was nobody
2 exchange in the lower birth..

Sardarji & his wife going to city in auto.
Driver adjusted miror.
Sardarji shouted you are seeing my wife.
Go & sit back. I will drive auto…:D

Q:- Why does Sardar always smile during lightning storms?
A:- They think their picture is being taken.

Q:Why is a Sardarji standing below
a tube light with a open mouth?
A:Because his doctor advised him
“Today’s dinner should be light”

A sardar ji pulled out 6 people from a burning house…
Still he was in jail…….why?
Coz all the 6 were fire brigade staff !

A Sardar & his wife filed an application for divorce.
Judge asked:
How will you divide, you have 3 children?
Sardar replied:
Ok! We will apply next year.

A sardar went to Pizza Hut.
There he ordered a Pizza.
The Waiter asked him:
Sir shell I cut it into 4 pieces or 8 pieces.
Sardar replied:
O 4 hi le aa yaar,
8 to nahin khaye jayein gay

Teacher: what is the scientific formula for water?
Sardar: h.i.j.k.l.m.n.o.
Teacher: nonsense! how did you derive that?
Sardar: auntie, it is H to O (h2o)!

Sardar got job in a telenor call centre.
Customer: telelenor sim blocked what to do?
Sardar: dont take tension remove telenor &
put warid sim.
Thank you for calling ufone.

A Sardar looking at sky asks another Sardar :
Is that a sun or moon?
Other Sardar replies :
Oye ! No idea…Im new to this city..

Sardarji was asked,
What is a enjoyable joke?
Reply came
Any joke, which is eighteen years old

In a party a lady wanted
To go to toilet so
She inquired with a sardar
papaji susu karne ki jagah dikhao,
sardarji replied u naughty
pehle tum dikhao.

Question: Why did 18 Sardars
Go to a movie?
Answer: Because below 18
Was not allowed.

DOES U know why a sardar ji kept
The door open while taking a bath
Because he was scared that someone
Might see through the “KEY HOLE”.

Sardars lookin at an Egyptian mummy.
Sardar1:Look so many bandages,
pakka truck accident case hai.
Sardar2: Aaho,
Truck number bhi likha hay, BC-1760

Sardar’s Leave application
Dear Sir,
My wife is ill.
As there is no other Husband
In the family to look after her,
Kindly grant me leave for one day.

Interviewer asked sardarji:
Which are the 2 latest versions of java?
Sardarji: Marjava & Mitjava

A sardarji went to a
Slapped the operator twice.
Guess why?
Coz there it was written
“Number dial karnay se pehley do lagain”

Teacher: What a pair of strange socks you are wearing,
One is green and one is blue with red spots!
Sardar ji: Yes it’s really strange.
I’ve got another pair of the same at home.

Sardarji is not sleeping with his wife! these days
Guess why?
Because somebody had told him that
it is wrong to sleep with married women.

Sardar: Doctor help me, mein jab baat karta huun
To muje sirf awaaz sunaideti hai, aadmi nahi dikhta.
Dr: Aaisa kab hota hai?
Sardar: Phone karte waqt.

Sardarji opens his lunch box
In the middle of the road….why ?
Just to confirm whether he is going
To or coming back from the office

Sardar : Sitting on The Top of the Mountain and Studying….
When a person asked what he was doing….
He replied… Oye!! Higher Studies Yaar…!!!

A Teacher lecturing on population –
In India after Every 10 sec a
Woman gives birth to a kid.
A Sardar stands up-
We must find & stop her!.

Why r all these people running?
Man- this is a race, the winner will get the cup.
Sardar-If only the winner will get the cup,
Why r others running?

How can a Sardar Kill a Lion ?
Sardarji thinks N thinks hard
& Comes to a conclusion:
I’ll drink poison n let lion eat me.
How do you recognize a Sardar in School?
He is the one who erases the notes from
The book when the teacher erases the board.

Sardar’s wish : when i die,
I wanna die like my grandpa
Who died peacefully in his sleep
Not screaming
Like all the passengers in the
Car he was driving..

Sardar wins 20 cr from Rs. 20 lottery ticket.
Dealer gave 11cr after deducting tax.
Angry Sardar:
“Give me 20 cr or else return my 20 Rs back.”

Sardar told his servant:
Go and water the plants. Servant
it’s already raining. Sardar: So what?
Take an umbrella and go.

Teacher: “I killed a person”
Convert this sentence into future tense.
Sardar: The future tense is “u will go to jail”.

Sardar got into a bus on 1st April
When conductor asked for ticket.
He gave Rs.10/-
And took the ticket and said april fool.
I have pass.

Sardar proposed a girl
Girl said am 1 yr elder to u
Sardar said Oye no problem
soniye I’ll marry u next year.

Two Sardar were fixing a bomb in a car.
Sardar 1 : What would you do if the bomb explodes while fixing.
sardar 2 : Don’t worry, I have a one more.

On a romantic day sardar’s girlfriend asks him,
“Darling on our engagement day will you give me a ring?”
Sardar : “Ya sure, from landline or mobile”.

Doctor to sardar : You will die within 2 hours.
Do you want to see any one before you die?
Sardar : Yes. A good doctor

Sardar was busy removing
A wheel from his auto.
A man asks sardar why are
You removing a wheel from your auto
sardar : Cant you read the board.
Parking is only for 2 wheeler

Sardar joined new job. 1st day he worked till late evening on the computer.
Boss was happy and asked “what you did till evening?”
Sardar :”Keyboard alphabets were not in order, so I made it alright”

Interviewee;What is your date of birth?
Sardar;nov 28.
Interviewer;which year?
Sardar;abey ullu everyyear.

A sardarji photographer is focusing
a dead body’s face in a funeral function,
suddenly all dead persons relatives beat him.
why? He said “SMILE PLEASE”

A Sardar saw a Beautiful Girl,he Went and Kissed her.
Girl: “STUPID what r u doing?”
Sardar: B.Com final year

Santa Banta sms messages

Looking for Latest Santa Banta sms messages? We have great collection of Santa Banta sms text messages. Enjoy our interactive collection of Santa Banta sms in any particular choice. We are always adding New Santa Banta sms to our collection. You can get a large group of Santa Banta sms. Below are some favorite Santa Banta sms messages. You also short by Santa Banta sms messages, Cute Santa Banta sms, Short Santa Banta sms, Funny Santa Banta sms messages, Sweet Santa Banta sms and Sad Santa Banta sms text messages. Just like and send favorite sms to your relative.

Two days of power cut in Delhi had made life miserable.
Worst affected was Delhi Metro station where families of
Santa & Banta were struck for 48 hrs on escalators

How did Santa tried to kill a bird??
He took it to the top of a building and dropped it from there to die.

Santa falls in love with a nurse...
After much thinking, he finally writes a love letter to her:
I love u sister.

Santa opened a petrol pump, but not even one customer went there.
You know why?

Santa phoned his wife: I am not coming home. The steering,
Dashboard, gears of car has been stolen.
After sometime he calls again: I am coming, earlier I sat on the back seat.

Why did Santa take his pregnant wife Jet to Pizza Hut?
A: Because they advertised: 'Free Delivery'

Santa: My dad was an extremely brave man. He once entered a lion's cage.
Banta: He probably got a lot of applause van he got out.
Santa: I didn't say he got out.

American: In our country,
Marriage even takes place with email.
Santa: In India, it is only with a female

A man to Santa:
Your friend is kissing your wife in your home.
Santa rushes home and came back within
Half an hour and slapped the man
And said: “He’s not my friend.”

A lady calls Santa for repairing doorbell;
Santa doesn’t turns up for 4 days.
Lady calls again, Santa replies,
I’m coming daily since 4 days,
I press the bell but no one comes out.

Santa had a dream in which someone murdered him.
Next day he closed his bank account. Know why?
Because the bank’s slogan was:
We make your dreams come true…
Santa cuts sides of the capsule
Before taking it?
Guess why?
To avoid the side effects!

Santa: Look a thief has entered our kitchen
And he is eating the cake I made.
Banta: Whom should I call now?
Police or Ambulance!

An astronomer was watching the sky from his telescope.
Santa Singh was observing him; suddenly a star falls.
Seeing that Santa Singh shouted, “what a shot you made!”

Banta owned a factory.
He issued orders that only married
Men would be employed.
Friend asks: Why this?
Banta reply:
Because married men are more obedient.

Santa Singh tried to light his cigarette.
He struck the first match on the matchbox, but it didn’t light.
He tried another; it didn’t light too.
The third one finally lit his cigarette, carefully blew the match
Out and put it in his vest pocket.
What for did you put that match in your vest pocket?
Asked another man.
Santa replied, “That’s a lucky match stick. Ill uses it again.”

Titanic was sinking.
An Englishman asked Santa, “How far is land”?
Santa: 2 KMs.
Englishman jumped into sea.
Englishman: Now, which direction (left or right)?
Santa: Downwards!

Banta to his new bride, Preeto,
“Now that we are married,
do you think you will be able
to live on my small income?”
“Of course, dear, no trouble,” she replied.
“But what will you live on?”

Once Banta Singh attended an Interview.
Interviewer: Give me the opposite words.
Banta Singh: Ok
Interviewer: Made in India
Banta Singh : Destroyed in Pakistan
Interviewer: Good… Keep it up
Banta Singh: Bad…. Put it down
Interviewer: Maxi Mum
Banta Singh: Mini Dad
Interviewer: Enough! Take your Seat
Banta Singh: Insufficient! Don’t take my seat
Interviewer: Idiot! Take your seat
Banta Singh: Clever! Don’t take my seat
Interviewer: I say you get out!
Banta Singh: You didn’t say I come in
Interviewer: I reject you!
Banta Singh: You appoint me

Banta ask Santa: what will you
Advise your children about marriage?
Santa declares: I’ll never marry in my life and
I’ll give same advice to my children also.

Q: Why did Santa throw the butter out of the window?
A: He wanted to see butterfly!

An Englishman and Santa inside the toilet.
Englishman: Good evening, how do u do?
Santa: Good evening, we open the zip and do.

Santa: Major Ronal told me T.V Cable is not good for kids,
They don’t study, so I got rid of it
Banta: Good?
Santa: Now we have a Dish Installed

Titanic was sinking.
An Englishman asked Santa, "How far is land"?
Santa: 2 KMs.
Englishman jumped into sea.
Englishman: Now, which direction?
Santa: Downwards!

Santa: I have swallowed a kay.
Doctor: When?
Santa: 3 months back!
Doctor: What were you doing till now?
Santa: I was using duplicate key, now I have lost it too.

Santa was drawing money from ATM. Banta,
Who was just behind him in the line said?
I've seen ur password. It’s ****. Santa: U r wrong. It’s 1394.

Pappu while filling up a form:
What should I write against mother tongue.?
Santa: Very long...!

Teacher: What should be in a book to make it a bestseller?
Pappu: A girl on the cover and no cover on the girl.

A lady calls Santa for repairing doorbell.
Santa doesn’t turns up for 4 days.
Lady calls again, Santa replies: I'm coming daily since 4 days,
I press the bell but no one comes out.

Lady to inspector Santa: My husband went to buy potatoes 5 days ago,
He hasn't come back yet!
Santa: Why don't u cook something else?

An Englishman and santa inside the toilet. Englishman:
Good evening, how do u do? Santa: Good evening, we open the zip and do!

Jeeto yelled at santa: U're gonna b really sorry! I'm going to LEAVE you!
Santa: Make up ur mind, which one is it going to be!

Because he opened petrol pump on second floor..

Ultimate answer while changing the job
Interviewer: Why did you change your last job?
Santa: Because the company shifted and didn't tell me where..

Santa and Banta went for a drive.
Santa: Hey, look out from the window, are the indicators working or not?
Banta puts his head out & says "Yes-No, Yes-No, Yes-No, Yes-No!!!"

Santa's wife dies. He is calm, but his wife's lover is crying furiously...
Finally, santa consoles him: Don't worry buddy, I will marry again.

Why did santa keep the door open while bathing?
Because he was afraid that someone might watch him from the keyhole.

History teacher asked Santa: Name kalidas's brother who was a shoemaker.
Santa: Adidas

Santa giving exam while standing at the door
A man asked, "Why are you standing at the door?"
Santa: "Idiot, I am giving entrance test."

Santa: Mom, last night when I opened the toilet door,
The light went on itself.
Mother: Idiot, you again peed in the refrigerator!

Teacher to santa: where were you born?
Santa: Thiruvananthapuram
Teacher: can u spell it?
Santa (after thinking for some time): I think I was born in GOA.

Santa: "God, if you give me 100 rupees, I will donate 50 rupees in temple".
(After walking some distance, he finds a 50-rupee note)
Santa: "Shame on you God, you don't even trust me a little?
You have already taken your share!"

Santa looking at himself in the mirror, "I have seen this man somewhere".
After half an hour, "Oh, its the same man, who married my wife."

While walking in the highlands Santa fell down a deep hole.
Banta: R u ok?
Santa: Yeah!
Banta: Did u break anything?
Santa: No, there's nothing down here.

Santa was caught for speeding and went before the judge.
The judge: What'll you take 30 days or Rs 3000.
Santa: I think I'll take the money.

Don’t rush in love for it never runs out.
Let love be the one to knock at your door,
So by the time you start to fall, you know that your feeling is for sure.

To live this life I need a heartbeat, to have a heartbeat
I need a heart, to have a heart I need happiness and
To have happiness I need you!

I have liked many but loved very few yet no one
Has been as sweet as you. I'd stand & wait in the
World’s longest queue just 4 the pleasure of a moment with you

Pappu, while filling up a form: Dad, what should
I write against mother tongue.
Santa: Very long!

How do you recognize Santa's son, Pappu, in School?
A: He is the one who erases the books when the teacher erases the board.

Santa: I kiss my wife everyday before leaving for office, what about u?
Banta: Me too, after u leave.

Santa: I’m a proud father. My son is in medical college.
Banta: What’s he studying?"
Santa: He's not studying; they are studying him

Banta: Name the 3 fastest means of communication.
Santa: Telephone, Television, and Tell-a-woman.

Santa standing on platform suddenly jumps on the railway track.
Banta: Santa u'll die.
Santa: U'll die bcoz haven’t u heard train is coming on platform.

Why did Santa throw the butter out of the window?
A: He wanted to see butterfly!

Jeeto: U tells a man something; it goes in one ear & comes out of the other.
Santa: U tells a woman something; it goes in both ears & comes out of the mouth.

Santa: a mad dog bit my mother-in-law
Banta: Oh! That’s terrible.
Santa: Yes, it was sad to watch the dog die in convulsions

Santa walks into a library & says, "Can I have a burger and coke?
" Librarian, "I'm sorry, this is a library." Santa whispers,
"Can I have a burger & fries?"

Teacher: I want you to tell me the longest sentence you can think of.
Pappu: Life imprisonment!

Banta: Why is the Police nicknamed "The heart of the country"?
Santa: It beats, beats, and beats.

Once Professor Santa asked a plumber to come to his college.
You know why? Because he wanted to check from where the
Question paper is leaking.

Preeto 2 maid: Oh Kanta, I have reason 2 suspects that
Banta is having an affair with his secretary.
Kanta: I don't believe it! U r just trying 2 makes me jealous.

Jeeto: I didn't know you smoked. When did you start?
Preeto: That night my husband came home early and
Found a cigarette butt in the ashtray.

Santa (reading from book of facts):
"Do you know that every time I breathe a man dies?" Banta:
"Why don't you use a mouth wash?"

Santa: Ghar ka saara keemti samaan chhupa ke rakh do,
Mere dost aa rahe hain.
Jeeto: Kyon! Aapke dost chura lengey?
Santa: Nahin, pehchan lengey.

A sweet girl goes to Banta's shop and said: Mujhe underwear dikhao.
Banta sharmate hue: Aaj pehan kar nahin aaya.

Santa: Woh ladki kitni sundar hai!
Banta: Mujhe uska naam pata hai.
Santa: Kya naam hai uska?
Banta: Woh bank mein kaam karti hai, uske counter
ke upar uska naam likha tha "CHAALU KHAATA"

Translation from hindi to english, "Khushi ke mare
uski chaati phool gayi".
Santa: Due to happiness, his chest became breast.

Santa ki shaadi ek nurse se ho gayi.
Banta: Aur santa, kaisi nibh rahi hai?
Santa: Pooch mat yaar, jab tak sister na kaho, bolti hi nahi.

In a train compartment husband: Darling, mujhe to tumhari aatma s
e pyar hai, tumhare jism ki mujhe koi chah nahin. Main tumhari rooh
ko chahta hoon, tumhara shareer to main kutton ko daal doon.
Banta sitting on upper berth says: BOW BOW

Banta: Yeh chaaku kyon ubaal rahe ho?
Santa: Suicide karne ke liye
Banta: To phir ubalne kui kya zaroorat hai?
Santa: Kahin infection na ho jaaye

Girl: Will u marry me?
Santa: No, humare yahan shaadi sirf relatives mein hi hoti hai.
Mummy ne Papa se, Didi ne Jijaji se aur Bhaiya ne Bhabhi se

Ek baar Santa Gangubai ke ghar jaata hai aur darwaza knock karta hai.
Gangubai: Kaun ?
Santa: Main !
Gangubai: Main kaun?
Santa: Tu Gangubai

Santa joined NASA. After one month the Americans
Had to change the name from NASA to SATYANASA

Nurse came out with the newborn kid, Santa rushed
2 her & after seeing the kid he shouted, BETA hua
BETA. She slapped him: Leave my finger, u fool, It’s a gal

Banta ped pe chada to upar baithey bandar ne poocha:
Upar kyon aaya?
Banta: Apple khane.
Bandar: Yeh to aam ka ped hai.
Banta: Pata hai, apple saath laya hoon.

Santa dials a number. A girl receives the call.
Santa: Who r u?
Girl: Seeta here.
Santa: Maine to Chandigarh phone kiya tha,
yeh to Ayodhya mil gaya.

Santa ke bagiche mein bahut sare ped - paudhe thay,
Santa naukar ko bola ped-paudhon ko pani dal.
Naukar: Sahab baarish ho rahi hai.
Santa: Abe to Chatri leke dal.

Banta: Truck dekhkar tum kaampte kyon ho?
Santa: Ek truck driver meri biwi lekar bhaag gaya tha,
har baar lagta hai jaise usko vapas karne aaya hai.

Santa: Itne kam marks? Do thappad marne chahiye.
Pappu: Haan papa, chalo maine us saale master ka ghar bhi dekh rakha hai.

Pappu was writing his father's name on a 1000-Watt bulb.
Santa asked him: What are you doing?
Pappu: Aapka naam roshan kar raha hoon.

Santa to Pappu: Where's Sukhna Lake?
Pappu: Pata nahi.
Santa: Kabhi ghar se bhi nikla karo.
Pappu: Who's Banta?
Santa: Pata nai.
Pappu: Kabhi ghar me bhi raha karo.

Santa: Do you know English?
Banta: Yes
Santa: Ok! Then tell what is the opposite of NAAG PANCHAMI?
Banta: So simple Yaar... NAAG DO NOT PUNCH ME.

Santa apni GF ko  I love u kehta aur gir jata.
Girl: Yeh kya kar rahe ho?
Santa: I am falling in love.

Lady doctor: tum roz subah clinic ke bahar khade ho
kar aurto ko kyon ghurte ho?
Santa: ji aap hi ne bahar likha hai "aurton ko dekhne
Ka samay subah 10 se 12".

Masterji: kal school kyu nahi aaya.
Santa: Gir gaya tha or lag gayi.
Masterji: kahan gire, kahan lagi?
Santa: Takiye pe gira tha aur AANKH lag gayi..

Santa & banta sending sms 2 their gfs. Santa:mai tere
Mobile se apni gf ko sms bheju dekhte hain kya kahti hai?
Banta: No, agar usne handwriting pehchan li to...?

Santa's urine report got exchanged with a ladies pregnancy report.
Dr. told santa, "you are pregnant".
Angry santa shouts at wife, "Maine pehle hi kaha tha, mujhe upar rehne de".

Santa (on phone): Maa, khushkhabri hai!
Maa: Bolo beta.
Santa: Hum, 2 se 3 ho gaye.
Maa: Badhai ho, ladka hua ya ladki.
Santa: Na ladka, na ladki. Maine doosri shaadi karli.

Santa was inserting dog's tail into pipe.
Banta: Oye, kutte ki dum kabhi seedhi nahi hoti.
Santa: Idiot, main to pipe bend kar raha hoon.

Santa: "Kitna padhey likhe(qualified) ho?"
Banta: "B.A."
Santa: "Saala, 2 akshar padha, woh bhi ulta?"

Santa: Bhaisahab time kya hua?
Man: Sham ke 6 baje hain!
Santa: Sala, subah se pooch raha hoon,
sab alag alag time bata rahe hain.

Jab dosti ki dastan waqt sunayega,
Tumko bhi koi shaks yaad ayega,
Tab bhool jayenge zindgi ke gam ko,
Jab apke sath guzara samay yaad ayega.

A lady asked Santa: LIPTON di chah hai?
Santa replied: Mainu ta nahi hai ji, tainu hai ta lipat ja...

Frog: Tumhare paas dimaag nahin hai.
Santa: Hai.
Frog: Nahin hai.
Santa: Hai.
Frog: Nahin hai & jumps into the well.
Santa: Isme suicide karne waali kya baat thi.?

Banta ek sadhu se bola: Baba, meri biwi bahut
pareshan karti hai, koi upay batao.
Sadhu: Beta, upaay hota to main sadhu kyun banta?

Preeto: Raat ko aap peeke gutter mein gir gaye the.
Banta: Kya bataoon, sub galat sangati ka asar hai,
Hum 4 dost... 1 bottle, aur woh teeno kambhakt peeten nahin.

Nurse: Congrats Santa ji, aap papa ban gaye.
Santa: Meri wife ko nahi bolna mein use surprise dunga!

What's Ford?
Santa: Gaadi.
What's Oxford?
Santa: So simple, Bail Gaadi.

Q: A Man asked Santa, "Akal badhi ya bhains? "
A: Santa bola, "Pehle date of birth to batao."

Q: A Man asked Santa, "Akal badhi ya bhains? "
A: Santa bola, "Pehle date of birth to batao."

Santa found answer to the most difficult question ever-
What comes first - the chicken or the egg?
O yaar, jiska order pehle doge, vo ayega!

Santa: Bhagwane suit bada sohna paya hai.
Jeeto: Thank u G
Santa: Lipstick badi sohni laayi aa.
Jeeto: Thank u G.
Santa: Shingaar v sohna kitaa aa.
Jeeto: Thank u G
Santa: Par sohni pher v nahi lagdi...

Santa ne apne nawen jamme bachche nu pakdeya
Per usne Santa te sussu karta.
Santa to nurse: Bibi eh piece leak karda hai badal k le aa..!

Santa: Sir hun meri salary wada deyo, mera vyah ho gaya hai.
Boss: Factory de bahar hon wale hadseyaan layi
Factory jimmevar nahin hundi.

Santa: Yaar mein apni girlfriend nu gift dena hai, ki devan?
Banta: Gold ring de de.
Santa: Koi vadi cheez das yaar.
Banta: Tan fer MRF da tyre de de.

Santa waiting at bus stop in UK along with 3 women.
When bus arrived, conductor picked the women & said:
No more, no more
Santa: Saaleya Morniya char laiyan, meri wari no more.

Santa went to see a gal for marriage.
Their families decided to leave them for some talk.
After some time santa asks: "behenji, tusin kinne behen-bhai ho?
" Girl: "Vaise taan 3 si, par hun 4 ho gaye."

Santa's shayari: Kutta marr gaya razai vich, main
pagal ho gaya teri judai vich, fernail te machchar beh
nahi sakda, main tere bina hun reh nahi sakda.

Santa: Mein tere 64 de 64 dand todd dene hai.
Ik hor aadmi ne keha santa 64 nahi 32 Dand hunde ne.
Santa: Meinu patta se tu vi bolega is layi tere vi gin laye ne.

Master: Mein tenu kutte te essay likhan nu
keha si, Likh ke kyu nahi liyanda ?

Santa: Ki karda master g,
jidan he mein kutte te Pen rakhia oh paj geya!!!

Petrol ke rate badhne par Santa bola:
"Menu koi farak nahin penda. Pehle bhi 100
ka bharwata tha ab bhi 100 ka bharwata hoon.