
Cool sms messages

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It only takes a minute to get a crush on someone an hour to like someone
a day to love someone but it takes a lifetime to forget someone

If you see some one without a smile, give him one of yours,
Because you are among a few good people who can shine
Others live by just walking with him a few miles.

To see light, look at sun. To see love look at moon. To see beauty,
Look at nature. To see hope, look at future but, to see
All of this looks at the mirror!

Do you know your 1 smile can make 100 peoples die?
So u can decrease this over population, so baby,
Please keep on smiling.

Nice people are blessed people, ever friendly, always smiling,
Forgive easily, hold no grudges and keep no malice.
Send this to a nice person.
I just did.

Let me draw your face! Don’t move!
Nearly finished, ok done!
Want to look

Accepts you as you are, believes in you, Calls you just to say "Hi!"
Doesn't give up on you, envisions the whole of you!
Forgives your mistakes, Gives unconditionally,
Helps you when you need a hand!

School- a place where papa pays & son plays life insurance-
a contract that keeps you poor all your life so that you can die rich
Nurse- a person wakes up to give you sleeping pills
Marriage- a contract in which a boy loses his
Bachelor’s degree & girl gets her masters degree.

An apple a day keeps the doctor away, but if doctor is cute, forget the fruit.

You are genius; your mind is a masterpiece. It is divided into left and right.
In the left part nothing is right and in right part nothing is left.

I m going to give fresh flowers 4 u and 4 your loving thoughts and
Prayers to make u lighter and brighter

Remember me and bear in mind a faithful girl is hard to find this is always
Good and true so don’t go changing old for new!

What is the diff between pleasure and torture? Pleasure is thinking of u
& Torture is thinking of u 2 much.

9 lessons in life: Learn 2 care, learn 2 smiles, learn 2 cries, learn 2 give,
Learn 2 forgive, learn to share, learn to trust, learn 2
Love & teach 2 SMS me DAILY...

Talk 2 me went I’m Bored, B with me went I’m Sad, Hug me went I Cry,
Care 4 me went I’m Sick, Don’t ever cry 4 me went I die!
Just treasure me went I’m ALIVE.

Please remind me 2 remind U about reminding me to send U this reminder
That reminds me of reminding U that U never has to remind
Me 2 remember U, I ALWAYS DO!

It feels nice when some1 misses u, feels good when some1 loves u.
Feels better when some1's with u. But it feels the best
When some1 never 4gets u

S: Sets u free,
M: Makes u special,
I: Increases your face value,
L: Lifts up your spirits,
E: Erases all your tensions,
So, please keep smiling.

7 Glances= 1 Smile
7 smiles =1 meeting
7meetings= 1 kiss
7 kisses= 1 proposal
7 Proposals=1 marriage
And that bloody marriage has 777777 problems

When we sigh about our problems, they grow D_O_U_B_L_E.
But when we laugh about them... they become ö ö ö ö ö Bubbles!
Have a bubbly life!

Only the open heart receives
Only the open mind receives
Only the open hand receives
Only the CUTE 1's receive

Smile in pleasure & in pain, Smile when trouble pours like a rain,
Smile when some1 hurts u, Smile because some
1 still wants 2 c u SMILING!!

Smile a while and when U smile, smile another smile & soon
there will b miles  & miles of smile because you smiled.
i wish your day is full of SMILE

I can buy gifts but not LOVE, I can pretend 2Smile, but not 2b HAPPY.
I can lie 2others, but not 2u. I do have many brothers...
But none as SWEET as you

Watching on Monday, friendship on Tuesday, Love on Wednesday,
Wedding on Thursday, fighting on Friday, Diverse on Saturday,
Rest on Sunday, Next on Monday

Positive thinking is a bit like this: a little bird in the sky u look up it shits
in your eyes, u don’t mind u, don’t cry, u just thank god that
Cows don’t fly.

Meaning of WIFE & HUSBAND

Keep.....................IN TOUCH WID ME...OTHERWISE...........................
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32

10 Advantages of not having a "LOVER"
1.save time.
2.can sleep well.
3.Don't have 2 bother abut missed calls.
4.Don't have to worry about how u looks.
5.Can eat in any restaurant..
6.No boring sms in the middle of night.
7.Can talk with all gals.
8.U won't hear "away. U r dull today"
9.Can go anywhere with any one.
10.Don't have 2 listen same old crap jokes.
BONUS: - U will live a long life...so be aware of LOVER

Dear January, how r February and March. April is nomad.
Tell May, June and July data august, September and October
Got accident in November. Yours December.

Women’s are like Internet    virus 1st they enter your life scan your pockets
Transfer money edit your mind download their problems delete your
Smile and hang your life

7 Glances= 1 Smile
7 smiles =1 Meeting
7meetings= 1 Kiss
7 kisses= 1 Proposal
7 Proposals=1 Marriage
And that bloody marriage has 777777 problems.

Press 0 for help
Press 5 for money
Press 6969 for sharing happiness
Press 5238 for sharing sadness
Press all previous number to call me

Monday went on Tuesday 2 Wednesday and asked Thursday whether
Friday has told Saturday that Sunday is a holiday.
Have a Great Sunday...

E=every where
So now lets START

Ignore your little flaws, just wants to be with you, Keeps you close
To their heart, loves you for who you are! Makes a difference in
Your life! Never judges unfairly, Offers support, Picks you up
When you're down! Quiets your fears, Raises your spirits,
Says nice things about you, and Tells you the truth when
You need to hear it! Understands you, Values the good
Things in you, Walks beside you through sun or rain!
Explains things you don't understand, Yells when
You won't listen, and ZAPS you back to reality
When you need it!

Life is like a piano. Amite keys are happy
Moments & Black keys are sad moments.
But remember both keys r played together
2 give sweet music. That’s life live it...
Let me good draw your face!
Don’t move!

If your cursor finds a menu item followed by a dash,
And the double-clicking icon puts your window in the trash,
And your data is corrupted cause the index doesn't hash,
Then your situation's hopeless and your system's going to crash!

I m 6 letter word.235is soap name.456 is opposite to start.
132is police report.35is opposite to out .246is a color.
Who m I? Give answer if u r genies

The sky’s falling down, the whole world is on fire the smell of
Burning is strong on my mind everywhere I turn I see ruin and
Destruction one man taking another’s life; don’t ask
Me how but somehow i know mankind still has to
Go for miles. Silent cry

GIRL before marriage looks like Bribe doll,
After marriage Beautiful doll,
After one year nice doll,
After two years only doll,
After three years

HEVEN blue eyes

When I take a long time to finish, I am slow, when my boss takes a long time,
He is thorough when I don't do it, I am lazy, When my boss does not do it,
He is busy, when I do something without being told, I am trying to be smart

When my boss does the same, He takes the initiative,
When I please my boss, I am apple-polishing,
When my boss pleases his boss, He is cooperating,
When I make a mistake, you're an idiot.
When my boss makes a mistake, He's only human.
When I am out of the office, I am wondering around.
When my boss is out of the office, He's on business.
When I am on a day off sick, I am always sicken my boss is a
When I apply for leave, I must be going for an interview
When my boss applies for leave, It's because he's overworked
When I do well, my boss never remembers,
When I do wrong, He never forgets

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