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Some friends forget
Some move away
Some keep silent
Some just change
But I’m not 1 of them.
I’m here just 4 two moments
Now & 4ever…:)

I could fill 1000 pages
Telling U how I feel,
And still U would not understand.. So
Now I leave w/o a sound,
Except my heart shattering
As it hits the ground

In life there r 5 perfect
Things u should never lose -
Well, u know my name:)

The hardest part of
Missing friends
Is not their absence?
It’s when you think
Of all those good times
And ask yourself,
‘Will those moments ever
Happen again?’

Call, if I m cute
Miss call, if I m gorgeous
Text back if I m pretty
Text a joke if I m charming
Just ignore if u r jealous

No one sets the limit for u
Your sky is as much as would want to reach,
Your life is as lonely as would like to make;
Your joy is as much as u decide to feel,
Your night is as long as you decide to wake.
No one sets the limit for u,
No one can etch the span of the sky,
All u need to do is rise,
Spread your wings & decide to fly.

There is no difference between COMPLETE and FINISH.
But when u loves a right person r COMPLETE.
And when u love a wrong person r FINISHED.

You know who is the best couple in the world?

Smile & Tears

Rarely, they r seen together but
When they combine its the best moment of your life.

Good relationships are like trees
They demand attention & care in the beginning
But once they blossoms
They provide U shade in all situations of life

Life is all about a card game.
Choosing the right cards is not in our hand.
But playing well with
The cards in hand, determines our Success

Relationship is like a violent,
Music may stop now n then,
But strings are attached forever.
So if u r in touch or not,
U r always remembered.

Why do we close our Eyes?
When we pray
When we Cry
When we Dream
When we kiss
Because the Most BEAUTIFUL thing in life are not seen
But felt by the heart!
DEFINITELY you are My Friend:)!

Silence & smile are two powerful tools.
Smile is the way to solve many problems.
& Silence is the way to avoid many problems.

Friends change, I know they do..
But this friend will always belong to you..
Friends hurt I know they do..
But this friend gets hurt more without “YOU”!

Life spent with someone
For a lifetime may be meaningless,
But a few moments spent
With someone who really loves U,
Means more than a life itself!

If you will carry on the way
Guided by human,
You will find a HOPELESS END.
But if you will carry on the way
Guided by Allah, you will find

Should be handled carefully,
Because words when
& Hearts when
Are the hardest things to repair?

4 Blessed ways of living:
Look back & Thank God.
Look forward & Trust God
Look around & serve God.
Look within & Find God!

A cute thought for those
Who believe in friendship?
It’s not necessary 2 shares
Every secret between true friends
But it’s important that whatever u share is true.

“Miss me” or “Hate me”,
Both are in my favor.
If you miss me, I ‘m always in your heart.
If you hate me, I’ll always be in your mind.

Simple Bye makes us cry,
Simple joke makes us laugh,
Simple care makes us fall in Love,
Simple Touch makes us feel better,
But I hope my simple MSG makes U smile!

Sharp is your memory,
Sweet is your name,
Deep in my heart,
U will always remain,
Earth want water,
Flower wants dew,
I want nothing but a smile from U.

A word to say, a word to hear
Even in Your absence I feel U near
Our relation is strong. Hope it goes long
We will remain the same till the life goes on!

If u drops me I ill break
If u holds me I ill shake
If u needs me I ill hurry,
If u doesn’t call me I ill worry
If u hurt me I ill cry
But if u leaves me I ill die.

Hi, now I am coming to meet u…
In the way of sun light…
In the way of sweet breeze…
In the way of good wishes…
Just to say have a nice day ahead…

Let the most beautiful
Dream comes to u tonight,
Let the sweetest person
Come in your dream tonight….
But don’t make it a habit
Because I m not free every night.

Degrees of girls!
B.A.-Beautiful Angel
B.E.-Beautiful Eyes
B.Sc.-Beautiful Structure
B.Com -Beautiful Communication
M.B.A.-Married But Awesome!

Just go to hell
Yes you
U only!
Only you can change
Hell into heaven
By your sweetness!

Some Flowers Grow Best in the Sun,
Others do well in Shadow.
God Knows What is Best for us
Puts us Where We Grow Best

I know nothing lasts 4ever,
& May be we went 2 always stay 2gather,
But every smile & tear we share,
Convinces me that memories of u &
Me will last 4 the rest of my life.
Beyond for ever

Do u know what’s the meaning of FAMILY?

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