
Friendship sms messages

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Friendship is not about finding similarities,
It is about respecting differences
You are not my friend coz you are like me,
But because I accept you and respect you the way you are.

Being a friend is not just sharing a joke, a conversation,
A cup of coffee or a funny story,
It means sharing an honest and true part of yourself.

Friendship is vast like Universe, deep like Ocean,
High like Sky, strong like Iron, kind like Mother,
Cute like me, and sweet like U!

Sweetness can be defined without honey.
Fragrances can be defined without Rose.
But, friendship can't be defined without YOU.

Friendship is not a big fire, which burns all day.
It’s a small lamp that burns till the last day of life.

Every morning when I open my eyes
I pray to God that everyone should have a friend like you.
Why should only I suffer!

Friend's forever

A friend is like gas blown from the ass,
Which creates noise n nuisance to others but gives me a great comfort.
Thanks for being gas of my ass.

True friends are those who, When you make a fool of yourself,
Don’t believe that this condition is permanent.

True friends are those who, When you make a fool of yourself,
Don't believe that this condition is permanent.

True friends are those who, When you make a fool of y

Don’t believe that this condition is permanent.

Making a million friends is not a miracle;
The miracle is to make a friend who will
Stand by you when millions are against you.

Friendship is not a game to play; it is not a word to say,
It doesn't start on March and ends on May; it is tomorrow,
Yesterday, today and everyday

Friendship is sweet when it's new,
Sweeter when it's true, but sweetest when it's U...
When God gave friends he tried to be fair.
When I got you I got more than my share!!!

Heart is like a crystal preserves it. Love is like perfume spread it,
Feeling is like flood flow it. Friendship is like an umbrella,
Come let’s share it.

A true friend is not like rain, which rain and leave away.
A true friend is like air, sometimes silent but always around you.

Some friends are remembered because of their smile.
Some friends are remembered because of their style.
But you are remembered because you are so nice to remember.
Take care.

Friendship is not a game to play; it is not a word to say,
It doesn't start on March and ends on May,
It is tomorrow, yesterday, today and everyday.

Flowers means honey...honey means sweet...
Sweet means desire...Desire means Love...
Love means Friend...Friend means U hot

Friendship is not collection of Hearts,
But it is selection of hearts; all friends are not true,
But true friends are very few like u

A Good friend is like a Computer, Enter your life,
'Save' u in their heart,’ format' your problems,’
Shift’ u to opportunities &never 'delete' u from memory!

Our friendship is a blank coequal; it’s an asset not a liberty,
Always a credit not debit, always a profit not a loss,
Hope it will not bounce!!!!!!

How long shall we be friends?
Do you want a clue? As long as stars twinkle in the sky,
Till the water runs dry and till the day I die.
We will be friends.

What is a friend? She looks out for you,
Inspires you, laughs with you, cries with you,
Understands you, guides you and walks with you.
That's what a friend is. You.

A friend is like a book that has to be read to appreciate
Its beauty as such, you're one of the finest books ever
Written. How I wish you could be reprinted!

I believe in angels, the kind that heaven sends.
Angels surround me but I call them my best friends.

Feeling is many but words are few,
Clouds are dark but sky is blue,
Life is paper and love is glue,
Every thing is false only friendship is true.

May our friendship never sink as low as my airtime and bank balance?
But may it grow as strong as black people love for free things

A friend is a tissue when you can't stop crying
A friend is a shoulder when you feel like dying
A friend always listens when you have something to say
A friend is a week when you just need a day
A friend is a crutch when you have a broken heart
A friend is some glue when everything falls apart
A friend is a sun when the rain just won't stop
A friend is your mom when you run into a cop
A friend is a phone call when you can't leave your home
A friend is a hand when you feel all alone
A friend is a wing if you want to fly
A friend understands without knowing why
A friend is an ear for a secret to tell
A friend is an aspirin when your head hurts like hell
A friend is a love that can never let go
A friend is you, and I wanted you to know:
Love Your Friends N Don’t Hurt Them.

A Just Friend says. Hi, Hello, Bye, and walks away...
A Best friend always stop by your side & asks how r u doing??
A Just Friend has never seen you cry.
A Best friend has shoulders soggy from your tears.
A Just Friend thinks the friendship is over, when you have an argument.
A Best friend knows that it's not a friendship, until after you've had a fight.
A Just Friend hates it when you call, after he has gone to bed.
A Best friend asks you.... why you took so long to call.
A Just Friend, when visiting, acts like a guest.
A Best friend opens your refrigerator and helps himself.
A Just Friend jealous about your romantic history.
A Best friend wonders of your love story.
A Just Friend expects you to be always there for any help.
A Best friend is always there,.  Wherever you require any help
A Just Friend doesn't have time in his/her busy schedule,
A Best friend always has time for you in his/her busy schedules....
A Just Friend phones you whenever he/she has some work,
A Best friend calls you often just to hear your voice.
A Just Friend doesn’t have anything to talk to you on phone,
A Best friend doesn’t know...what all to finish.

Friendship cannot grow like a tree,
But they grow in their mind. So if you know that
You have a friend, and then promote your friendship
Through mind to show that you really trust your friend.
I trust you man.

People say we need maps to find treasure but
I proved them wrong because without a map
I found you. And you will be treasure me 4 ever

Friendship is like a relation between the hand and eyes,
Its like when the hand gets hurt the eyes cries and
When the eyes cries the hand wipes its tears.

One day Love asked friendship "Y R U in the world when I am here?
Friendship smiled and said "to spread smiles where u leave tears"

Friendship isn't about whom you have known the longest,
Who came first or who cares the best.
Its about who came and never left.

A true friend is not like a rain, which pours & goes away.
A friend like an air, which is silent but always around u...

What makes a friend?
A friend is someone that everyone needs?
A friend is that special one
A friend is someone you tell EVERYTHING?
A friend is someone you never lie to
A friend can be a boy or a girl
A friend is someone that is always there
A friend will always listen to you
A friend Always has input to give
A friend will never leave you in the dust
A friend will help you through the thick and the thin
A friend will always stand by your side
A friend will never let you down
A friend is someone everyone needs
What would you do if you didn’t have a friend?

Friendship is a wonderful word,
It might be the most beautiful one on earth.
Friendship is something powerful, a gift of great value!

Friends are like puzzle pieces. If one goes away,
That special piece can never be replaced and that
Puzzle will never be whole again

True friends are rare to find
True friends are always very kind.
True friends are ornaments so beautiful
True friends always make us cheerful.
True friends are the work of perfection
True friends give us right direction
True friends always shine like moon
True friends are the greatest boon

A friend is never a coincidence in your life,
They are meant to enter your life to bring you joy and laughter

Friends are not a game to play,
Friends are not just a Word to say,
Friends do not start in March & end in May,
“Friends” means yesterday, today & forever”.

A best friend will be with you till the end.
A best friend will talk to you; cheer you up when you are blue.
A best friend will make you laugh when you cry
A best friend will never ever lie.
A best friend will be caring,
A best friend's love will be unerring.
A best friend will let you tag along,
She'll make you feel like you belong.
A best friend will never turn away,
You know she's here to stay.
A best friend knows what's on your mind.
She knows just what she'll find!
A best friend is always true,
A best friend is Y-O-U!

What Kind Of Person A Friend Is?
A friend is a tissue when you can\'t stop crying
A friend is a shoulder when you feel like dying
A friend always listens when you have something to say
A friend is a week when you just need a day
A friend is a crutch when you have a broken heart
A friend is some glue when everything falls apart
A friend is a sun when the rain just won\'t stop
A friend is your mom when you run into a cop
A friend is a phone call when you can\'t leave your home
A friend is a hand when you feel all alone
A friend is a wing if you want to fly
A friend understands without knowing why
A friend is an ear for a secret to tell
A friend is an aspirin when your head hurts like hell
A friend is a love that can never let go
A friend is you, and I wanted you to know:

Seconds for Introduction,
Minutes for discussion,
Hours for attraction,
Days for construction &
Years for relation is

Best friends are like pairs of scissors…
When together they often go in different directions
But they give punishment to those
Who dare to come between them!!!

My friendship is nothing but a round,
Wandering why?
Because it has no end

Look outside it’s So Pleasant!
Sun Smiling for you!
Trees Dancing for you!
Birds Singing for you!
Because, I Asked Them All to Wish You
A Happy Friendship Day

All friends are not true.
But true friends are very few,
Which includes U.

Friendship is not history 2 forget
Friendship is not math 2 calculate
Friendship is not English 2 learn
Its only chemical loch don’t try to
Understand it just enjoy it

A friendship is like a winding road,
You never know where it is going to go.
But there is something that I do know,
Which is that our friendship will continue to grow.

Make a heart, which never breaks,
Make a smile, which never hurts,
Make a touch, which never pains,
Make a friendship, which never ends

A friend gives hope when life is low,
A friend is a place when you have nowhere to go,
A friend is honest; a friend is true.
A friend is precious a friend is you.

Heart is like a crystal preserves it,
Love is like a perfume spread it,
Feelings are like flood flow it,
Friendship is like umbrella come lets share it.

Friends change; I know they do.
But this friend will always belong to you.
Friends hurt I know they do.
But this friend gets hurt more without “YOU”!

Friendship is a promise spoken by the heart
Is not given by please, nor written on paper,
But promise renewed every time friends keep in touch.

Friend is someone we turn to when our spirits need a lift.
A friend is someone we treasure for our friendship is a gift.
A friend is someone who fills our lives with beauty, joy, and grace.
And makes the whole world we live in a better and happier place
I met U as a stranger; I leave U as a friend, as long as the world stands,
Our friendship nave ends. All friends no split
N even if they do they will meet again

Friendship is like a bed it give u comfort by sharing
Your thoughts but when u r in problem
It will leave u and do nothing for you.

Thank you for touching my life in ways you may never know.
My riches do not lie in material wealth,
But in having friend like you - a precious gift from God.

Good FRIENDS Care for each Other.
Close Friends Understand each Other.
And TRUE Friends Stay forever
Beyond words,
Beyond time

Friend in different languages...
Iranian - DOST
German - FREUND
Hebrew - CHAVER
French - AMi
Piney - KAiBiGAN
Dutch - VREND
Mexican - AMiGO
For me; Just simply "YOU"

Stars has 5 ends
Square has 4 ends
Triangle has 3 ends
Line has 2 ends
But Circle of our friendship has no end...

A daily thought...
A silent tear...
A Constant wish that u r near...
Words are few but thoughts r deep...
Memories of our friendship I’ll always keep!!

In this cruel world it is very difficult to find friend
With beautiful heart, pure feelings,
Attractive personality and stylish looks; so learn to value me!

When I was born, GOD said, "Oh No! Another IDIOT"
When you were born, GOD said, "OH No! COMPETITION".
Who knew, one day these two will become FREINDS FOREVER!

Sometimes in life we think we don't need anyone.
But sometime we don't have anyone when we need...
So don't let your best buddies go ever...

We met it was Luck! We talked it was CHANCE!
We became friends it was DESTINY!
We are still friends it is FAITH!
We will always be friends it’s a PROMISE!

When does a friend become a best friend?
When his dialogue, "I care for you" converts into
"I will kill you if you don't care for me"

Don’t write your name on sand, waves will wash it.
Don’t write your name on sky, wind may blow it.
Write your name on hearts of your friends, that’s where it will stay.

The one, who likes you most, sometimes hurts you,
But again he is the only one who feels your pain.

Friends are like shoes, some loose some tight,
Some fit just right, they help u as u walk through life. Thanks for being my size!

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is not only made for lovers; its also for friends
who love each other better than lovers!!

A deep friend is like rainbow,
When the perfect amount of happiness and tears r mixed,
The result is a colorful bridge between 2 hearts.

FRIENDSHIP isn't how U forget but how U forgive,
Not how U listen but how U Understand,
Not what U sees but how U feel?
And not how U Let go but how U hold on!!!

Keeping a FRIEND is As Difficult AS losing one.
U sacrifices a lot to keep them.
I may not have sacrificed ennui 4 u...
But in my HEART I swear I'm keeping U..

As long as we have memories, yesterday remains;
As long as we have hope, tomorrow awaits.
As long as we have Friendship, each day is never a waste.

It’s not an achievement to make 1000's friends in a year,
But an achievement is when you make a friend for 1000's years.

To live a life I need heartbeat, 2 have heartbeat I need a heart,
2 have heart I need happiness, to have happiness I need a friend,
And 4 a friend I need U.ALWAYS

Moon said to me, if your friend is not messaging u
Why don’t you leave your friend?
I looked at moon and said does your sky ever leave u when u doesn’t shine.

Friend is one, who (F) finds you in a (R) rush of people,
(I) Inspires you to do something in life, catch your
(E) Motions and (N) ever leaves you till (D) death.

As I saw ants crawl up the wall,
I noticed that no matter how busy they are,
They still stop and communicate with each other.
I hope we can be like them.

Medicines and friendships cure our problems.
The only difference is that friendships don't have an expiry date.

Friendship never speaks volumes; it never demands proof;
It never has a happy ending too simply coz it doesn't end
As long as friend’s r true, just like U!

If your friendship were money, I'll be richest man.
If your friendship were pounds, I'll be heaviest man.
If your friendship were love, I'll be luckiest man.
But your friendship is trust and I'm the happiest man

Walk with me when your hearts needs company,
Take my hand when u feels all alone, turn to me
When u need some1 to lean on,
Coz I'm a friend u can always depend on

Heartbeats are countless; spirits are ageless, dreams r endless,
Memories are timeless and a friend like u is Useless.
Oops! Sorry Year, Priceless

Take first letter from each word of the above said
Statement and then u will get that unique word...

Leave SOMETHING for friend.
Never Leave FRIEND for something.
Coz in life, SOMETHINGS will leave u
But FRIENDS will always live with u.

If luck is a raindrop, I will; send u a shower.
If hope is a minute, I will send you an hour. If happiness is a leaf,
I will give you a tree. If u needs a friend, u already has me.

Making a million friends is not a miracle;
The miracle is to make a friend
Who will stand by you when millions are against you?

Whenever I look at my palm,
I wonder which of those tiny cute crisscross lines made me
So lucky to have a sweet and nice friend like U

1 Advice- don’t change, 1 request- take care,
1 wish- don’t forget me, 1 Lie- I hate U, 1 truth- I Miss U,
1 hope- we'll always be Good Friends.

Ice is a cream, love is a dream but r friendship is evergreen.
Don't make friends before understanding and don't break a friendship after misunderstanding.

I can’t find a reason why God gave U to me,
But that is not the question to b asked;
May b the question is how did God know that I needed a friend like U.

I can’t find a reason why God gave U to me,
But that is not the question to b asked;
May b the question is how did God know that I needed a friend like U.

Making a million friends is not a miracle;
The miracle is to make a friend who will stand by you
When millions are against you

“Promises and Friends
Are like snowballs.
It’s easy to make them
But it’s too difficult to keep them.”

Of all the friends I’ve ever met.
You’re the one I won’t ever forget.
And if I die before you do
I’ll go to heaven and wait for you.

,;*”*;, is like
*; ,;* a
__)(____ TRee…
It is not MEASURED by how TALL it could be,
But how deeply the roots have grown

Good FRIENDS are hard to find,
Harder to leave,
And impossible to forget

I miss my Friends,
When I see some other Gang sitting around, caring, and slapping each other.
Their mischievous smiles switching to loud laughter,
Though stranger to me,
They represent a part of my life i lost somewhere,
I miss my friends.
I like you all, I love u all, Stay happy wherever you are.

Friend’s r like fishes
U has to sit patiently for a long time
To catch a good one
Just like I caught u.
So better stay nice otherwise
I will FRY YOU.;)

“Everyone has a BEST FRIEND
During each stage of life,
But only lucky ones have
The same friend in all stages of life”…

It is not necessary to share
Everything between your true friends
But it is necessary that
What u share must be true?

Meaning of Friendship: -

Make a friend it’s a Gift!
Have a friend it’s a Grace!
Keep a friend its a Virtue but
Be a good friend it’s an honor!

When u rise up,
Your friend knows who you are.
When you fall down,
You know who your friends are.

Flower is many
But I like rose.
Friends are many
But I like u.

Friendships is all about 3 things
Losing n
Winning your friends heart,
Losing your ego,
And Sharing joys and sorrows.

A bond of love,
A medal of trust
A shoulder in sadness,
A hand in darkness
A special relation to hold,
An ear where secrets can be told
An appreciator for encouragement,
Something that doesn’t cost
A jewel never to be lost
Is the magic called?

True friends are like Diamonds…
They are real and rare.
False friends are like leaves…
They are scattered everywhere.

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