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I was afraid of love; I thought love took time,
Like a fine wine aging in the cellar; I was wrong.
Love is there from the moment you see that person,
Embrace it let it grow, follow your earth, not your mind..

If love is sweet why does it hurt?
If love is deep why does it burn?
If love is warm why do we shiver?
If love is tender why do we cry?
If love is forever why do we die?

Can I keep you?
Lives are for living I live for you
Dreams are for dreaming I dream for you
Hearts are for beating mine beats for you
Angels are for keeping. Can I keep you?

You never knew
I love you so much
I can't even explain
You are my love and forever friend,
There is nothing I could want
More than you,
You are so special
In your own unique way,
There is nothing I could trade you for,
Because I love you too much,
To just pass you by
And say my last goodbyes.

My love for you
The truth is that I don't know why I love you?
I just know I love you a lot
I don't even know how much I love you
I just know I will love you forever
If someone were to ask me if I think about you everyday
I would say no, because a day is not enough time
To express how much I love you

If I'm not thirsty so why do I have to drink water?
If there is no love in my life so why do I have to stay alive?

My dear, my dear,
You are here,
You are beside me,
And also you are inside my heart,
It's love,
Its just peace like dove,
Its just peace for all,
But, it is a kiss for me.

Went to the Garden of Love.
And saw what I never had seen:
A Chapel was built in the midst,
Where I used to play on the green.
And the gates of this Chapel were shut,
And "Thou Salt not", writ over the door;
So I turn’s to the Garden of Love,
That so many sweet flowers bore,
And I saw it filled with graves,
And tombstones where flowers should be:
And Priests in black gowns, were walking their rounds,
And binding with briars, my joys & desires.

Love is about
Love is just about trust and sincerity,
No matter how pretty or ugly you are.
" "

In Candle Light I want to say!!!
I Love you.

If I never met you, I wouldn’t like you.
If I didn’t like you, I wouldn’t love you.
If I didn’t love you, I wouldn’t miss you.
But I did, I do, and I will.

I’ve commit a lot mistakes in my life,
I’m not a perfect person, but I’m trying to be one...
But there’s one thing I know I did right... that's when
I followed my heart to make you part of my life.

12 months of HAPPINESS
52 weeks of FUN
365 days of LAUGHTER
8760 hours of GOOD-LUCK
525600 minutes of JOY &
3153600 seconds of SUCCESS

It's ordinary to love the marvelous.
But it’s marvelous to love the ordinary,
Because anyone can love a Rose
But it takes a great deal to love a leaf...

u r 10 % sweet,
20 % cute,
30 % nice,
40 % funny,
50 % sincere,
60 % I need u,
70 % I want u,
80 % I like u,
90 % I meet u,
And 100 % crazy,
Now is u like to enjoy with me

()\'*() Dnt
,,-(\'0\',)-,, Wana
\'.--( )--.\' Bug
(\")(\") Ya
()\'*()\"\"() just
(,\'0( ) wana
(, ( (,) Hug Ya

The shortest word for me is "I"
The sweetest word for me is "love"
The only word for me is "you!"

The way you look into my eyes, it scares me
The way you say "I love you", It scares me
The way you know just what to say, It scares me
The ways you scare me, I love it.

Rains fall, winds blow,
The sunshine’s... it all comes naturally,
Just like loving you!

You are the sun in my day,
The wind in my sky,
The waves in my ocean,
And the beat in my heart

I do not think much, I do not think often,
But when I think, I think of you!

You are so beautiful that you give the sun a reason to shine.

            '     L=O=V=E=    '
           *   .*""*._*""*.    *
           .  *            *   .
           '  *   S=I=R=F  *   '
            *  *   T=U=M  *   *
             *   *  S=E  *   *
               *   *   *    *
                 *   *    *
                   *    *

Life is a Railway station in which love is a train it will come
And go at any time But Friendship is the Track it will remain forever.

Sweat Heart is special word for love
Love is a special word for care,
Care is a special word for friend,
And the Friend Is a special word for "YOU"

Love is life.
Life is wife.
Wife is knife.
That's cut your life.
Be careful friends.

Some say you are ugly.
Some say you are jingly.
Some say you are pulley.
But I say you are lovely.

Lovable number is 143
Lovable symbol is Heart
Lovable place is Taj Mahal
Lovable day is 14Feb
Lovable organ is Heart
Lovable Friend is you!

Can I borrow a quarter?
I want to call my mom and tell her I just met the girl of my dreams,
OR I want to call your mother and thank her. 

I have seen angels in the sky,
I have seen snowfall in July,
I have seen things you only imagine to see,
But I haven't seen anything sweeter than you.

Never say you are happy when you are sad,
Never say you are fine when you are not okay,
Never say you feel good when you feel bad,
And never say you are alone when I'm still alive.

Your love is like a river peaceful and deep,
Your soul is like a secret that I never could keep,
When I look into your eyes I know its true,
U was made for me and I for u!

I search 4 loves; I fight 4 loves,
I cry 4 loves; I care 4 loves,
I die 4 loves; and u is the love,
I love u defroster.

Once before I had a love
Now buried in my past
But this time things are different
I know our love will last.

Since the day I met you
My whole world has changed
Suddenly I feel so alive
I'm in love again

I wish I were a rose & u were a bee,
I would close u inside of me 4ever.
I miss you, all the time of my life.
I need you every moment. I love you all the time.

Love, like a river, will cut a new path whenever it meets an obstacle.

You will never find another love like mine.
So come back to me now.

Do u believe that once 2 hearts joined in friendship
It united now with love?

All I ever wanted was some1 to care for me.
All I ever wanted was someone who would be there for me.
All I ever wanted was someone who would be true.
All I ever wanted was someone like you

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