
Miss you sms messages

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Some things are left undone; some words are left unsaid,
And some feelings are left unexpressed, but someone as
Sweet as you could never be left unmissed.

A hug for you means I need you. A kiss for you means
I love you. A call for you means I'm missing you.

There's no Special reason for this massage,
I just want to steal a single moment out of your busy life & hope
I can make u smile n say: I Miss U.

Sometimes, I forget to say hi,
Sometimes, I even miss to reply,
Sometimes, my massage doesn't reach u,
But, it doesn't mean that I forget u,
I’m just giving u time to miss me!

The worst way to miss someone is to be sitting right
Beside them knowing you can't have them.

Knowing a person like u, has made me happy in a million ways and
If ever I have to let u go...
I would find a million reasons to make u stay. I miss you.

What makes some people dearer is not just the happiness that
We feel when we meet them but the emptiness
We feel when they are not around us. I Miss you!

There’s no Special reason for this massage,
I just want to steal a single moment
Out of your busy life
& Hope I can make u smile n say:
I Miss you.

What a pity! I’m not at your place!
Miles separate me from you
This night in my dreams I’ll see your face
Good night, my angel, I hope you miss me too!

Every time I say how are you?
My heart says, I care for you..
Every time I ask how have you been?
My heart whispers, I miss you

Every tear is a sign of brokenness,
Every silence is sign of loneliness,
Every smile is sign of kindness,
Every sms is sign of remembrance.
Miss you always.

Earth may stop rotating
Birds may stop flying
Candles may stop melting
Fishes may stop swimming
Heart may stop breathing
But I will never stop
Missing you my friend.

R: is for red.
RED: is for blood
BLOOD: is for heart
HEART: is for love
LOVE: is for you
YOU: is for me
ME: is for you.
(((I MISS YOU)))

Nobody is right till somebody is wrong…
Nobody is weak till somebody is strong…
Nobody is lucky till love comes along…
Nobody is lonely till somebody is gone.
Missing U!

You must be a good runner because you are always running in my mind,
You must be a good thief because you have stolen my heart,
And I am always a bad shooter because I Miss You Always.

In my life I learned how 2 love, 2 smile, 2 B happy,
2 B strong, 2 work hard, 2 B honest, 2 B faithful, 2 forgive.
But I couldn't learn how 2 forget U...

Am simple BYE makes us cry, A simple JOKE make us laugh,
Simple CARE makes us fall in love. I hope my simple SMS
Make you think of me. I miss you.

I am in casualty now; don't say I didn't tell you. After 5 minutes,
I will be transferred to ICU. Doctor told,
I will die if I don't STOP. Missing You

If u wants to know how much I miss u,
Try to catch rain drops, the ones u catch is how much u miss me,
And the ones u miss is how much I miss

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Saturday Sunday   I Miss You

If you want to know how much I miss you,
Try to catch the raindrops, the ones you catch is
How much you miss me, and the ones
You miss is how much I MISS YOU.

Today I miss u
Yesterday I missed u.
Don't worry about tomorrow; I will always miss u,
And that is a promise. Miss U Forever.

Feel good when somebody Miss you.
Feel better when somebody loves you.
But feel best when somebody never forgets you.

When the weather comes true
I miss you when the flower covered dew
I miss you when the day comes new
I miss you when you go outside.

I miss you.
I miss all of the caring
Things you do,
And spending the evening
Alone with you

Message: * some text missing*
Message: * some text missing* Sender: *
Name Missing * *Number Missing *Sent: *
Date missing * I miss you.

I miss you so, here around me, so many people, but yet so alone.
I miss your lips, your lovely smile; I miss you each day more and more!

God gave u 2 legs to walk, 2 hands to hold, 2 ears to hear,
2 eyes to see; But why did he give u only 1 Heart?
Probably because he wants u to look for the other

My eyes are hurting coz I can’t see u, my arms r empty
Coz I can’t hold u, my lips are cold coz
I can’t kiss u & my heart is breaking coz I’m not with u.

I always knew that looking back on my tears would
Someday make me laugh, but I never knew that
Looking back on my laughter would someday make me cry.
Miss you.

Sometimes I forget 2 say hi, sometimes I forget 2 reply,
Sometimes my massage doesn’t reach u,
But it doesn't mean I forget u. I'm just giving u time to Miss me.

Never look for a Good Face, it'll turn old one day;
Never look for a Good Skin, it'll wrinkle one day;
But look for a loyal heart, that'll miss u every day.

Sweetest part in life is 2 carry all d memories in life.
But. … Toughest part is 2 say good byes
To the person who is behind those memories! 

The pain is not on the day of missing our dear ones.
The pain is really when u live without them
& With their presence in your mind

I went 2 c d cardiologist 2day.
ECG showed anomalies in my heart’s mode of operation.
The doc said my heart was missing something 4 proper functioning.
I was rushed 2 d theater & surgery was about 2 commence
When I told the doc that surgery cud not solve d problem.
Cause my heart was missing u!

If u wants to know how much I miss u,
Try to catch raindrops,
The ones u catch is how much u miss me,
And the other u miss is how much I miss.

On a Silent night went friends are few
I close my eyes and think of U
A Silent night,
A Silent tear,
A Silent wish that U were Here.

I hide my tears when I say your name,
But the pain in my heart is still the same.
Although I Smile & Seem Carefree,
There is no one who misses you more than ME!

What makes some people Dearer?
Is not just the happiness?
That you feel when you meet them,
But the pain you feel,
When you . . . . . Miss them!

Look at sun and you see time.
Look in heart and you see love.
Look in eyes and you see life.
Look at your mobile and
You see who’s thinking of u!
It’s me.

I was on a ship thinking of you.
When I looked down I dropped a tear in the ocean.
Then I promised myself that until someone finds it.
I wont forget you.

U may miss me
U may ignore me
U may even forget me
But one day if u want to me
Don’t search, just see your shadow
i will be there Trust Me!!

Good Morning
I mean Good Evening
I mean Good Night hmmm.
I think. Time is not important
I just want 2 say that I miss you.

I would write on all the bricks
“I miss you”
And hope that 1 falls on your head
So you know how it hurts
To miss someone special like you.

Can u keep a secret?
Between me & u
You promise?
I really need to tell u this…

When I pray I don’t see God, but I know he listens
As such, When I SMS U I don’t see you,
But I know you think of Smiles and me.

Whenever I miss you stars falls down
From the sky, so any day,
If you find the sky empty
Don’t blame me! It’s your fault
You make me miss you so much! 

Oops! I miss “you”

They taught me those one-hour equals 60 minutes
And that one-minute equals 60 seconds,
But they never told me that one-second
Without you can last forever!

A word to say, a word to hear
Even in Ur absence I feel U near
Our relation is strong. Hope it goes long
We will remain the same till the life goes on!

Did I miss something?
Yes I miss U

In school they taught me that:
1 hour = 60 min.
1 min= 60sec.
But they never told me that:
1 sec.
Without U = 100 years. Miss U

A b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t v w x y z
Did I Miss something?
No Because “U” r in My “HEART”

The Word ‘Hello’ means
H=How R U?
E=everything all right?
L=Like 2 hear 4rm U.
L=Love 2 C U soon.
I miss you!
Good Morning my friend

I m going to write on
All the bricks I MISS U
And I wish that one fell
On your head,
So that u knows how it hurts
When you miss someone special like u.

A thousand things in between us
Low Battery,
Busy Network,
No Coverage,
No Time,
Heavy Work.
But still, when the Mobile Beeps,
I think of you.

A lonely tear is set out free,
I’m sitting alone for all to see;
You r far away, how can it be?
My heart cries out,” Come back to me!!

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